Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Tom Goldammer
- Genombiologische Grundlagen des Anpassungsvermögens, der Robustheit und von Mechanismen des angeborenen Immunsystems von Fischen unter dem Einfluss differenter Stressfaktoren in der Aquakultur
- seit 2019: Universitätsprofessor für Molekularbiologie und Genetik der Fische an der Agrar- und Umweltwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Rostock
- 2016–2018: Institutsleitung Institut für Genombiologie
- seit 2008: Leiter der Abteilung Fischgenetik, FBN Dummerstorf
- 2005–2019: Privatdozent (Genetik), Universität Rostock
- 2005: Habilitation und Venia legendi (Genetik), Universität Rostock
- 2001–2008: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, FBN Dummerstorf
- 1999–2001: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Texas A&M University, Dept. Veterinary Pathobiology, Texas, USA, (Prof. Dr. J. Womack)
- 1996: Promotion Dr. rer. nat. (Genetik), Universität Rostock, bei Prof. Dr. M. Schwerin
- 1992–1999: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, FBN Dummerstorf
- 1991–1992: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Universität Rostock
- 1991: Diplom (Biologie), Universität Rostock
- 1986–1991: Studium der Meeresbiologie an der Universität Rostock
berufliche Aktivitäten
- seit 2009: Koordinator des Campus BioFISCH MV (EFF & ESF Projekte)
- seit 2009: Editorial Advisory Board Member bei Chromosome Research
- seit 2006: International Society for Animal Genetics (ISAG)
- 2000–2001: Texas Genetics Society (TGS)
Rebl, A.; Anders, E.; Wimmers, K.; Goldammer, T. (2008):
Characterization of Dehydrodolichyl diphosphate synthase gene in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Comp Biochem Biophys B 152 (3): 260-265
Droegemuller, M.; Tetens, J.; Dalrymple, B.; Goldammer, T.; Wu, Ch.; Cockett, N.; Leeb, T.; Droegemuller, C. (2008):
A comparative radiation hybrid map of sheep chromosome 10. Cytogenet Genome Res 121 (1): 35-40
Wu, Ch.; Nomura, K.; Goldammer, T.; Hadfield, T.S.; Dalrymple, B.; McWilliam, S.; Maddox, J.F.; Womack, J.E.; Cockett, N. (2008):
A high-resolution comparative radiation hybrid map of ovine chromosomal regions that are homologous to human chromosome 6 (HSA6). Anim Genet 39 (5): 459-467
Perucatti, A.; Di Meo, G. P.; Goldammer, T.; Incarnato, D; Brunner, R. M.; Iannuzzi, A (2007):
Comparative FISH-mapping of twelve loci in river buffalo and sheep chromosomes: comparison with HSA8p and HSA4q. Cytogenet Genome Res 119 (3-4): 242-244
Goldammer, T.; Weikard, R.; Miziara, M.; Brunner, R. M.; Argawala, R.; Schäffer, A.A.; Womack, J.E.; Amaral, M.E.J. (2007):
A radiation hybrid map of river buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) chromosome 7 and comparative mapping to the cattle and human genomes. Cytogenet Genome Res 119 (3-4): 235-241
Miziara, M.; Goldammer, T.; Stafuzza, N.; Argawala, R.; Schäffer, A.A.; Elliott, J.; Riggs, P.; Womack, J.E.; Amaral, M.E.J. (2007):
A radiation hybrid map of river buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) chromosome 1 (BBU1). Cytogenet Genome Res 119 (1-2): 100-104
Wu, Ch.; Nomura, K.; Goldammer, T.; Hadfield, T.S.; Dalrymple, B.; McWilliam, S.; Maddox, J.F.; Womack, J.E.; Cockett, N. (2007):
An ovine whole-genome radiation hybrid panel used to construct an RH map of ovine chromosome 9. Anim Genet 38 (5): 534-536
Goldammer, T.; Brunner, R. M.; Weikard, R.; Kühn, C.; Wimmers, K. (2007):
Generation of an improved cytogenetic and comparative map of Bos taurus chromosome BTA27. Chromosome Res 15 (2): 203-213
Weikard, R.; Goldammer, T.; Womack, J.E.; Kühn, C. (2007):
Forward to a detailed sequence map of bovine chromosome 6. Cytogenet Genome Res 116 (1-2): 72-79
Gelhaus, A.; Heß, M.; Foerster, B; Goldammer, T.; Schwerin, M.; Horstmann, R.D. (2006):
YAC/BAC contig spanning the MHC class III region of cattle. Cytogenet Genome Res 115 (1): 45-50
Martin-Burriel, I.; Lyahyai, J.; Zaragoza, P.; Brunner, R. M.; Womack, J.E.; Goldammer, T. (2006):
Assignment of the bovine BCL2-like 2 gene (BCL2L2) to BTA10q15-->q21 by in situ hybridization and with somatic cell hybrids. Cytogenet Genome Res 112 (1-2): 180A
Goldammer, T.; Brunner, R. M.; Lyahyai, J.; Zaragoza, P.; Martin-Burriel, I. (2006):
Assignment of the bovine B-cell CLL/lymphoma 2 gene (BCL2) to BTA24q27 and the bovine BCL2-like 1 gene (BCL2L1) to BTA13q22 by in situ hybridization. Cytogenet Genome Res 112 (3-4): 341D
Goldammer, T.; Brunner, R. M.; Kata, S.R.; Womack, J.E. (2006):
Assignment of the bovine receptor-interacting serine-threonine kinase 2 gene (RIPK2) to BTA14 with somatic and radiation cell hybrids. Cytogenet Genome Res 112 (3-4): 341C
Willkocks, S; Yamakawa, Y; Stalker, A; Coffey, T. J.; Goldammer, T.; Werling, Dirk (2006):
Identification and gene expression of the bovine C-type lectin Dectin-1. VET IMMUNOL IMMUNOP 113 (1-2): 234-242
Schwerin, M.; Kühn, C.; Ponsuksili, S.; Walz, C.; Goldammer, T. (2006):
Trait-associated expressed hepatic and intestine genes in cattle of different metabolic type - putative functional candidates for nutrient utilization. J Anim Breed Genet 123 (5): 1-8
Weikard, R.; Goldammer, T.; Laurent, P.; Womack, J.E.; Kühn, C. (2006):
A gene-based high-resolution comparative radiation hybrid map as a framework for genome sequence assembly of a bovine chromosome 6 region associated with QTL for growth, body composition, and milk performance traits. BMC Genomics 7: 53
Ponsuksili, S.; Brunner, R. M.; Goldammer, T.; Kühn, C.; Walz, C.; Chomdej, S.; Tesfaye, D.; Schellander, K.; Wimmers, K.; Schwerin, M. (2005):
Bovine NALP5, NALP8, and NALP9 Genes: Assignment to a QTL Region and the Expression in Adult Tissues, Oocytes, and Preimplantation Embryos. Biol Reprod 74 (3): 577-584
Brunner, R. M.; Kata, S. R.; Womack, J.E.; Goldammer, T. (2005):
Assignment of the bovine tumor protein D52 gene (TPD52) to the distal half of BTA14 with somatic and radiation cell hybrid panel mapping . Cytogenet Genome Res 111 (1): 96
Lyahyai, J.; Goldammer, T.; Beattie, A.E.; Zaragoza, P.; Martin-Burriel, I. (2005):
Positional and functional characterisation of apoptosis related genes belonging to the BCL2 family in sheep. Cytogenet Genome Res 109 (4): 519-526