Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Tom Goldammer
- Genombiologische Grundlagen des Anpassungsvermögens, der Robustheit und von Mechanismen des angeborenen Immunsystems von Fischen unter dem Einfluss differenter Stressfaktoren in der Aquakultur
- seit 2019: Universitätsprofessor für Molekularbiologie und Genetik der Fische an der Agrar- und Umweltwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Rostock
- 2016–2018: Institutsleitung Institut für Genombiologie
- seit 2008: Leiter der Abteilung Fischgenetik, FBN Dummerstorf
- 2005–2019: Privatdozent (Genetik), Universität Rostock
- 2005: Habilitation und Venia legendi (Genetik), Universität Rostock
- 2001–2008: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, FBN Dummerstorf
- 1999–2001: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Texas A&M University, Dept. Veterinary Pathobiology, Texas, USA, (Prof. Dr. J. Womack)
- 1996: Promotion Dr. rer. nat. (Genetik), Universität Rostock, bei Prof. Dr. M. Schwerin
- 1992–1999: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, FBN Dummerstorf
- 1991–1992: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Universität Rostock
- 1991: Diplom (Biologie), Universität Rostock
- 1986–1991: Studium der Meeresbiologie an der Universität Rostock
berufliche Aktivitäten
- seit 2009: Koordinator des Campus BioFISCH MV (EFF & ESF Projekte)
- seit 2009: Editorial Advisory Board Member bei Chromosome Research
- seit 2006: International Society for Animal Genetics (ISAG)
- 2000–2001: Texas Genetics Society (TGS)
Rebl, A.; Korytár, T.; Borchel, A.; Bochert, R.; Strzelczyk, J.; Goldammer, T.; Verleih, M. (2020):
The synergistic interaction of thermal stress coupled with overstocking strongly modulates the transcriptomic activity and immune capacity of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Sci Rep-UK 10: 14913, 1-15
Sarais, F.; Rebl, H.; Verleih, M.; Ostermann, S.; Krasnov, A.; Köllner, B.; Goldammer, T.; Rebl, A. (2020):
Characterisation of the teleostean κB-Ras family: The two members NKIRAS1 and NKIRAS2 from rainbow trout influence the activity of NF-κB in opposite ways. Fish Shellfish Immun 106: 1004-1013
Galow, A.-M.; Wolfien, M.; Müller, J.; Bartsch, M.; Brunner, R. M.; Hoeflich, A.; Wolkenhauer, O.; David, R.; Goldammer, T. (2020):
Integrative cluster analysis of whole hearts reveals proliferative cardiomyocytes in adult mice. Cells-Basel 9 (5): 1144,1-16
Wolfien, M.; Galow, A.-M.; Müller, J.; Bartsch, M.; Brunner, R. M.; Goldammer, T.; Wolkenhauer, O.; Höflich, A.; David, R. (2020):
Single nuclei sequencing of entire mammalian hearts: strain-dependent cell type composition and velocity. Cardiovasc Res 116 (7): 1249-1251
Wolfien, MW; Galow, A.-M.; Müller, P.; Bartsch, M.; Brunner, R. M.; Goldammer, T.; Wolkenhauer, O.; Höflich, A.; David, R. (2020):
Single-nucleus sequencing of an entire mammalian heart: cell type composition and velocity. Cells-Basel 9 (2): 318,1-6
Koll, R.; Martorell Ribera, J.; Brunner, R. M.; Rebl, A.; Goldammer, T. (2020):
Gene profiling in the adipose fin of salmonid fishes supports its function as a flow sensor. Genes-Basel 11 (1): 21, 1-22
Martorell Ribera, J.; Nipkow, M.; Viergutz, T.; Brunner, R. M.; Bochert, R.; Koll, R.; Goldammer, T.; Gimsa, U.; Rebl, A. (2020):
Early response of salmonid head-kidney cells to stress hormones and toll-like receptor ligands. Fish Shellfish Immun 98: 950-961
Nguinkal, J. A.; Brunner, R. M.; Verleih, M.; Rebl, A.; de los Rios Pérez, L.; Schäfer, N.; Hadlich, F.; Stüeken, M.; Wittenburg, D.; Goldammer, T. (2019):
The first highly contiguous genome assembly of pikeperch (Sander lucioperca), an emerging aquaculture species in Europe. Genes-Basel 10: 708, 1-14
Borchel, A.; Verleih, M.; Kühn, C.; Rebl, A.; Goldammer, T. (2019):
Evolutionary expression differences of creatine synthesis-related genes: Implications for skeletal muscle metabolism in fish. Sci Rep-UK 9: 5429, 1-8
Verleih, M.; Borchel, A.; Rebl, A.; Brenmoehl, J.; Kühn, C.; Goldammer, T. (2019):
A molecular survey of programmed cell death in rainbow trout: Structural and functional specifications of apoptotic key molecules. Comp Biochem Phys B 230: 57-69
Montero, R.; Strzelczyk, J.; Tze Ho Chan, J.; Verleih, M.; Rebl, A.; Goldammer, T.; Köllner, B.; Korytár, T. (2019):
Dawn to dusk: Diurnal rhythm of the immune response in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). BIOLOGY-BASEL 9 (1): 8, 1-13
Rebl, A.; Rebl, H.; Verleih, M.; Haupt, S.; Goldammer, T.; Seyfert, H.-M. (2019):
At least two genes encode many variants of Irak3 in rainbow trout, but neither the full-length factor nor its variants interfere directly with the TLR-mediated stimulation of inflammation. Front Immunol 10: 2246, 1-19 eCollection 2019.
Swirplies, F.; Würtz, S.; Baßmann, B.; Orban, A.; Schäfer, N.; Brunner, R. M.; Hadlich, F.; Goldammer, T.; Rebl, A. (2019):
Identification of molecular stress indicators in pikeperch Sander lucioperca correlating with rising water temperatures. Aquaculture 501: 260-271
Rebl, A.; Verleih, M.; Nipkow, M.; Altmann, S.; Bochert, R.; Goldammer, T. (2018):
Gradual and acute temperature rise induces crossing endocrine, metabolic, and immunological pathways in Maraena whitefish (Coregonus maraena). Front Genet 9: 241, 1-16
Nipkow, M.; Wirthgen, E.; Luft, P.; Rebl, A.; Hoeflich, A.; Goldammer, T. (2018):
Characterization of igf1 and igf2 genes during maraena whitefish (Coregonus maraena) ontogeny and the effect of temperature on embryogenesis and igf expression. Growth Horm IGF Res 40: 32-43
Bornhöfft, K.; Goldammer, T.; Rebl, A.; Galuska, S. P. (2018):
Siglecs: a journey through the evolution of sialic acid-binding immunoglobulin-type lectins. Dev Comp Immunol 86: 219-231
Borchel, A.; Komisarczuk, A.; Rebl, A.; Goldammer, T.; Nilsen, F. (2018):
Systematic identification and characterization of stress-inducible heat shock proteins (HSPs) in the salmon louse (Lepeophtheirus salmonis). CELL STRESS CHAPERON 23 (1): 127-139
Rebl, A.; Zebunke, M.; Borchel, A.; Bochert, R.; Verleih, M.; Goldammer, T. (2017):
Microarray-predicted marker genes and molecular pathways indicating crowding stress in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Aquaculture 473: 355-365
Kaiser, B.; Böttner, M.; Wedel, T.; Brunner, R. M.; Goldammer, T.; Lesko, S.; Gäbel, G.; Gleich, A.; Pfannkuche, H. (2017):
Establishment and cfharacterization of an SV40 large T antigen-transduced porcine colonic epithelial cell line. Cells Tissues Organs 203 (5): 267-286