Prof. Dr. agr. habil. Norbert Reinsch
Thomsen, H.; Reinsch, N.; Xu, T.; Bennewitz, J.; Looft, C.; Grupe, S.; Kühn, C.; Brockmann, G.; Schwerin, M.; Leyhe-Horn, B.; Hiendleder, S.; Erhardt, G.; Medjugorac, I.; Russ, I.; Förster, M.; Brenig, B.; Reinhardt, F.; Reents, R.; Blümel, J.; Averdunk, G.; Kalm, E. (2001):
A whole genome scan for differences in recombination rates among three Bos taurus breeds. Mamm Genome 12 (9): 724-728
Looft, C.; Reinsch, N.; Karall-Albrecht, C.; Paul, S.; Brink, M.; Thomsen, H.; Brockmann, G.; Kühn, C.; Schwerin, M.; Kalm, E. (2001):
A mammary gland EST showing linkage disequilibrium to a milk production QTL on bovine Chromosome 14. Mamm Genome 12 (8): 646-650
Thomsen, H.; Reinsch, N.; Xu, T.; Looft, C.; Grupe, S.; Kühn, C.; Brockmann, G.; Schwerin, M.; Leyhe-Horn, B.; Hiendleder, S.; Erhardt, G.; Medjugorac, I.; Russ, I.; Förster, M.; Brenig, B.; Reinhardt, F.; Reents, R.; Blümel, J.; Averdunk, G.; Kalm, E. (2000):
A male bovine linkage map for the ADR granddaughter design. J Anim Breed Genet 117 (5): 289-306
Reinsch, N.; Thomsen, H.; Xu, T.; Brink, M.; Looft, C.; Kalm, E.; Brockmann, G.; Grupe, S.; Kühn, C. (1999):
A QTL for the degree of spotting in cattle shows synteny with the KIT locus on chromosome 6. J Hered 90 (6): 629-634
Reinsch, N.; Xu, T.; Thomsen, H.; Grupe, S.; Kühn, C.; Schwerin, M.; Looft, C.; Kalm, E.; Leyhe, B.; Hiendleder, S.; Erhardt, G.; Medjugorac, I.; Russ, I.; Förster, M.; Brenig, B.; Reents, R.; Averdunk, G. (1998):
First results on somatic cell count loci from the ADR bovine mapping project. In: Proceedings 6th world congress on genetics applied to livestock production, Armidale/Australien Armidale/Australien: 426-428