Prof. Dr. agr. habil. Norbert Reinsch

Forschungsinstitut für Nutztierbiologie (FBN)
Arbeitsgruppe Haustiergenetik
Wilhelm-Stahl-Allee 2
18196 Dummerstorf


Michaelis, M.; Langhammer, M.; Hoeflich, A.; Reinsch, N.; Schön, J.; Weitzel, J. M. (2013):
Initial characterization of an outbreed mouse model for male factor (in)fertility. Andrology 1 (5): 772-778
Wittenburg, D.; Melzer, N.; Willmitzer, L.; Lisec, J.; Kesting, U.; Reinsch, N.; Repsilber, D. (2013):
Milk metabolites and their genetic variability. J Dairy Sci 96 (4): 2557-2569
Tetens, J.; Baes, C.; Kühn, C.; Reinsch, N.; Thaller, G. (2013):
Angiopoietin-2 (ANGPT2) as a candidate gene for somatic cell score in German Holstein cattle. J Dairy Sci 96 (8): 5388-5397
Brade, W.; Dämmgen, U.; Reinsch, N. (2013):
Züchterische Möglichkeiten zur Emissionsminderung bei Deutschen Holsteins. Zuchtungskunde 85 (3): 188-205
Gupta, P.; Reinsch, N.; Spötter, A.; Conrad, T.; Bienefeld, K. (2013):
Accuracy of the unified approach in maternally influenced traits - illustrated by a simulation study in the honey bee (Apis mellifera). BMC Genet 14: 36-46
Rudolf, H.; Pricop-Jeckstadt, M.; Reinsch, N. (2013):
Flexible pooling in gene expression profiles: design and statistical modeling of experiments for unbiased contrasts. Stat Appl Genet Mol 12 (1): 71-86
Spötter, A.; Gupta, P.; Nürnberg, G.; Reinsch, N.; Bienefeld, K. (2012):
Development of a 44K SNP assay focussing on the analysis of a varroa-specific defence behaviour in honey bees (Apis mellifera carnica). Mol Ecol Resour 12 (2): 323-332
Tuchscherer, A.; Teuscher, F.; Reinsch, N. (2012):
Calculation of identity-by-descent probabilities of short chromosome segments. J Anim Breed Genet 129 (6): 469-473
Gupta, P.; Conrad, T.; Spötter, A.; Reinsch, N.; Bienefeld, K. (2012):
Simulating a base population in honey bee for molecular genetic studies. Genet Sel Evol 44: 14-20
Börner, V.; Teuscher, F.; Reinsch, N. (2012):
Optimum multistage genomic selection in dairy cattle. J Dairy Sci 95 (4): 2097-2107
Börner, V.; Reinsch, N. (2012):
Optimising multistage dairy cattle breeding schemes including genomic selection using decorrelated or optimum selection indices. Genet Sel Evol 44 (1): 1, 1-11
Brade, W.; Reinsch, N. (2011):
Mensch und Pferd. In: Pferdezucht,-haltung und -fütterung : Empfehlungen für die Praxis (Landbauforschung/Sonderheft 353) vTI, Braunschweig (978-3-86576-079-1): 9-17
Reinsch, N.; Renne, U. (2011):
Langzeitzüchtung im Zeitraffer. Leibniz Nordost (13/2011): 6-7
Trißl, S.; Reinsch, N. (2011):
Developing an animal trait ontology - why phenotype ontologies are not enough. In: OBML 2011 Workshop Proceedings, Berlin, October 6-7, 2011 (IMISE-Report Nr. 1/2011) Univ., Leipzig (ISSN 1610-7233): Paper B, 1-4
Wittenburg, D.; Melzer, N.; Reinsch, N. (2011):
Including non-additive genetic effects in Bayesian methods for the prediction of genetic values based on genome-wide markers. BMC Genet 12: 74-88
Zimmer, D.; Mayer, M.; Reinsch, N. (2011):
Complex genetic effects in quantitative trait locus identification: a computationally tractable random model for use in F2 populations. Genetics 187 (1): 261-270
Brand, B.; Baes, C.; Seidenspinner, T.; Mayer, M.; Thaller, G.; Reinsch, N.; Schwerin, M.; Kühn, C. (2010):
A Genomic Region On Bos taurus Autosome 18 Associated With Maternal And Direct Effects On Calving Traits In The German Holstein Population. In: Proceedings of the 9th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production (Gesellschaft für Tierzuchtwissenschaften e.V., Hrsg.) (978-00-031608-1) (2010): 0566
Baes, C.; Mayer, M.; Tetens, J.; Bennewitz, J.; Liu, R.; Reinhardt, F.; Thaller, G.; Reinsch, N. (2010):
Refined mapping of a QTL for somatic cell score on BTA27 in the German Holstein using combined linkage and linkage disequilibrium analysis. Can J Anim Sci 90 (2): 169-178
Alm, H.; Kuhlmann, S.; Langhammer, M.; Tuchscherer, A.; Torner, H.; Reinsch, N. (2010):
Occurrence of Polyovular Follicles in Mouse Lines Selected for High Fecundity. J Reprod Develop 56 (4): 449-453
Wittenburg, D.; Teuscher, F.; Reinsch, N. (2010):
Statistical tools to detect genetic variation for a sex dimorphism in piglet birth weight. J Anim Sci 89 (3): 622-629