Dr. agr. Eduard Muráni

Forschungsinstitut für Nutztierbiologie (FBN)
Arbeitsgruppe Physiologische Genomik
Wilhelm-Stahl-Allee 2
18196 Dummerstorf


  • Molekularbiologie und Genetik von Eigenschaften zur Produktion, Anpassung und zum Tierwohl von Schweinen mit Hinblick auf Stressantwort, Verhalten und Muskelentwicklung
  • Regulation der mRNA Expression
  • Verbindung von genotypischer mit phänotypischer Variation


  • 2014-heute: Wissenschaftler Abteilung Genomik am Leibniz-Institut für Nutztierbiologie (FBN)
  • 2009-2014: Nachwuchsgruppenleiter in der Abteilung Genomik am am Leibniz-Institut für Nutztierbiologie (FBN)
  • 2004-2009: Wissenschaftler in der Abteilung Genomik am Leibniz-Institut für Nutztierbiologie (FBN)
  • 2002-2004: Postdoc im EU Projekt "PorDictor" im Institut für Tierwissenschaften der Universität Bonn
  • 2003: Promotion in den Agrarwissenschaften
  • 1998-2002: PhD Student im Institut für Tierwissenschaften der Universität Bonn
  • 1993-1998: MSc an der Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre Slovakei


Ponsuksili, S.; Trakooljul, N.; Hadlich, F.; Haack, F.; Muràni, E.; Wimmers, K. (2016):
Genetically regulated hepatic transcripts and pathways orchestrate haematological, biochemical and body composition traits. Sci Rep-UK 6: 39614, 1-13
Reyer, H.; Ponsuksili, S.; Kanitz, E.; Pöhland, R.; Wimmers, K.; Muràni, E. (2016):
A natural mutation in helix 5 of the ligand binding domain of glucocorticoid receptor enhances receptor-ligand interaction. Plos One 11 (10): e0164628, 1-15
Liu, X.; Trakooljul, N.; Muràni, E.; Krischek, C.; Schellander, K.; Wicke, M.; Wimmers, K.; Ponsuksili, S. (2016):
Molecular changes in mitochondrial respiratory activity and metabolic enzyme activity in muscle of four pig breeds with distinct metabolic types. J Bioenerg Biomembr 48 (1): 55-65
Naraballobh, W; Trakooljul, N.; Muràni, E.; Brunner, R. M.; Krischek, C.; Janisch, S.; Wicke, M.; Ponsuksili, S.; Wimmers, K. (2016):
Immediate and long-term transcriptional response of hind muscle tissue to transient variation of incubation temperature in broilers. BMC Genomics 17: 323, 1-13
Muràni, E.; Ponsuksili, S.; Jaeger, A.; Görres, A.; Tuchscherer, A.; Wimmers, K. (2016):
A naturally hypersensitive glucocorticoid receptor elicits a compensatory reduction of hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis activity early in ontogeny. Open Biol 6 (7): 150193, 1-11
Ponsuksili, S.; Reyer, H.; Trakooljul, N.; Muràni, E.; Wimmers, K. (2016):
Single- and Bayesian multi-marker genome-wide association for haematological parameters in pigs. Plos One 11 (7): e0159212, 1-14
Liu, X.; Trakooljul, N.; Hadlich, F.; Muràni, E.; Wimmers, K.; Ponsuksili, S. (2016):
MicroRNA-mRNA regulatory networking fine-tunes the porcine muscle fiber type, muscular mitochondrial respiratory and metabolic enzyme activities. BMC Genomics 17: 531, 1-14
Naraballobh, W; Trakooljul, N.; Muràni, E.; Brunner, R. M.; Krischek, C.; Janisch, S.; Wicke, M.; Ponsuksili, S.; Wimmers, K. (2016):
Transient shifts of incubation temperature reveal immediate and long-term transcriptional response in chicken breast muscle underpinning resilience and phenotypic plasticity. Plos One 11 (9): e0162485, 1-17
Oster, M.; Just, F.; Büsing, K.; Wolf, C.; Polley, C.; Vollmar, B.; Muràni, E.; Ponsuksili, S.; Wimmers, K. (2016):
Toward improved phosphorus efficiency in monogastrics - interplay of serum, minerals, bone and immune system after divergent dietary phosphorus supply in swine. Am J Physiol-Reg I 310 (10): R917-R925
Görres, A.; Ponsuksili, S.; Wimmers, K.; Muràni, E. (2016):
Genetic variation of the porcine NR5A1 is associated with meat color. J APPL Genet 57 (1): 81-89
Oster, M.; Nuchchanart, W.; Trakooljul, N.; Muràni, E.; Zeyner, A.; Wirthgen, E.; Hoeflich, A.; Ponsuksili, S.; Wimmers, K. (2016):
Methylating micronutrient supplementation during pregnancy influences foetal hepatic gene expression and IGF signalling and increases foetal weight. Eur J Nutr 55 (4): 1717-1727
Wimmers, K.; Muràni, E.; Ponsuksili, S. (2015):
Genetic factors on reproductive traits in pigs. Proc Soc. Nutr. Physiol. 24: 185
Liu, X; Du, Y.; Trakooljul, N.; Brand, B.; Muràni, E.; Krischek, C.; Wicke, M.; Schwerin, M.; Wimmers, K.; Ponsuksili, S. (2015):
Transcriptional profile of muscle association with mitochondrial respiratory activity, metabolic enzymes and muscle fiber. Schriftenreihe / Leibniz-Institut für Nutztierbiol 24: 37-40
Siengdee, P.; Trakooljul, N.; Muràni, E.; Brand, B.; Schwerin, M.; Wimmers, K.; Ponsuksili, S. (2015):
Pre- and post-natal muscle microRNA expression profiles of two pig breeds differing in muscularity. Gene 561 (2): 190-198
Ponsuksili, S.; Siengdee, P.; Du, Y.; Trakooljul, N.; Muràni, E.; Schwerin, M.; Wimmers, K. (2015):
Identification of common regulators of genes in co-expression networks affecting muscle and meat properties. Plos One 10 (4): e0123678, 1-18
Siengdee, P.; Trakooljul, N.; Muràni, E.; Schwerin, M.; Wimmers, K.; Ponsuksili, S. (2015):
MicroRNAs regulate cellular ATP levels by targeting mitochondrial energy metabolism genes during C2C12 myoblast differentiation. Plos One 10 (5): e0127850, 1-20
Adler, M.; Muràni, E.; Ponsuksili, S.; Wimmers, K. (2015):
PBMC transcriptomic responses to primary and secondary vaccination differ due to divergent lean growth and antibody titers in a pig model. Physiol Genomics 47 (10): 470-478
Liu, X; Du, Y.; Trakooljul, N.; Brand, B.; Muràni, E.; Krischek, C.; Wicke, M.; Schwerin, M.; Wimmers, K.; Ponsuksili, S. (2015):
Muscle transcriptional profile based on muscle fiber, mitochondrial respiratory activity, and metabolic enzymes. Int J Biol Sci 11 (12): 1348-1362
Ponsuksili, S.; Zebunke, M.; Muràni, E.; Trakooljul, N.; Krieter, J.; Puppe, B.; Schwerin, M.; Wimmers, K. (2015):
Integrated Genome-wide association and hypothalamus eQTL studies indicate a link between the circadian rhythm-related gene PER1 and coping behavior. Sci Rep-UK 5: 16264, 1-14
Reyer, H.; Hawken, R.; Muràni, E.; Ponsuksili, S.; Wimmers, K. (2015):
The genetics of feed conversion efficiency traits in a commercial broiler line. Sci Rep-UK 5: 16387, 1-11