Dr. rer. nat. Claudia Kalbe

Forschungsinstitut für Nutztierbiologie (FBN)
Arbeitsgruppe Zellphysiologie und Reproduktion
Wilhelm-Stahl-Allee 2
18196 Dummerstorf


  • Ontogenetische Entwicklung der Skelettmuskulatur in Nutztieren
  • Myogene und lipogene Prozesse
  • Myogene Vorläuferzellen


  • 2002-heute: Wissenschaftlerin am Leibniz-Institut für Nutztierbiologie (FBN) Dummerstorf, Institut für Muskelbiologie und Wachstum
  • 2006-2007: Elternzeit
  • 1999-2001: Postdoc an der Agrar- und Umweltwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Rostock
  • 2000: Promotion zum Dr. rer. nat. an der Universität Rostock
  • 1995-1999: Promotionsstudium am Leibniz-Institut für Nutztierbiologie (FBN) Dummerstorf, Forschungsbereich Molekularbiologie
  • 1990-1995: Studium der Biologie an der Universität Rostock


  • Seit 2013: Vorlesung/Praktikum Molekulare Tierzucht, Muskelentwicklung beim Nutztier, Mathematisch Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät der Univerität Rostock (M.Sc.)
  • Seit 2004: Vorlesung Kleintierzucht an der Agrar- und Umweltwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Rostock (M.Sc.)
  • 2000-2001: Praktikum: Moderne genetische Methoden in der Tierzucht, an der Agrar- und Umweltwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Rostock
  • 1999-2001: Vorlesung Kleintierzucht an der Agrar- und Umweltwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Rostock


Paredes, S. P.; Kalbe, C.; Jansman, A. J. M.; Verstegen, M. W. A.; van Hees, H. M. J.; Lösel, D.; Gerrits, W. J. J.; Rehfeldt, C. (2013):
Predicted high-performing piglets exhibit more and larger skeletal muscle fibers. J Anim Sci 91 (12): 5589-5598
Will, K.; Kuzinski, J.; Kalbe, C.; Palin, M. F.; Rehfeldt, C. (2013):
Effects of leptin and adiponectin on the growth of porcine myoblasts are associated with changes in p44/42 MAPK signaling. DOMEST ANIM ENDOCRIN 45 (4): 196-205
Kalbe, C.; Bérard, J.; Porm, M.; Rehfeldt, C.; Bee, G. (2013):
Maternal L-arginine supplementation during early gestation affects foetal skeletal myogenesis in pigs. LIVEST SCI 157 (1): 322-329
Lösel, D.; Franke, A.; Kalbe, C. (2013):
Comparison of different skeletal muscles from growing domestic pigs and wild boars. Arch Tierzucht 56: 766-777
Kalbe, C. (2013):
Muskelwachstum in der Petrischale. Leibniz Nordost 16: 4-5
Moutou, K. A.; Koutsogiannouli, E. A.; Stamatis, C.; Billinis, C.; Kalbe, C.; Scandura, M.; Mamuris, Z. (2013):
Domestication does not narrow MHC diversity in Sus scrofa. Immunogenetics 65 (3): 195-209
Will, K.; Kalbe, C.; Kuzinski, J.; Lösel, D.; Viergutz, T.; Palin, M. F.; Rehfeldt, C. (2012):
Effects of leptin and adiponectin on proliferation and protein metabolism of porcine myoblasts. Histochem Cell Biol 138 (2): 271-287
Rehfeldt, C.; Stabenow, B.; Pfuhl, R.; Block, J.; Nürnberg, G.; Otten, W.; Metges, C. C.; Kalbe, C. (2012):
Effects of limited and excess protein intake of pregnant gilts on carcass quality and cellular properties of skeletal muscle and subcutaneous adipose tissue in fattening pigs. J Anim Sci 90 (1): 184-196
Rehfeldt, C.; Lefaucheur, L.; Block, J.; Stabenow, B.; Pfuhl, R.; Otten, W.; Metges, C. C.; Kalbe, C. (2012):
Limited and excess protein intake of pregnant gilts differently affects body composition and cellularity of skeletal muscle and subcutaneous adipose tissue of newborn and weanling piglets. Eur J Nutr 51 (2): 151-165
Rehfeldt, C.; Lang, I. S.; Görs, S.; Hennig, U.; Kalbe, C.; Stabenow, B.; Brüssow, K.-P.; Pfuhl, R.; Bellmann, O.; Nürnberg, G.; Otten, W.; Metges, C. C. (2011):
Limited and excess dietary protein during gestation affects growth and compositional traits in gilts and impairs offspring fetal growth. J Anim Sci 89 (2): 329-341
Bérard, J.; Kalbe, C.; Lösel, D.; Tuchscherer, A.; Rehfeldt, C. (2011):
Potential sources of early-postnatal increase in myofibre number in pig skeletal muscle. Histochem Cell Biol 136 (2): 217-225
Eberlein, A.; Kalbe, C.; Goldammer, T.; Brunner, R. M.; Kühn, C.; Weikard, R. (2011):
Annotation of novel transcripts putatively relevant for bovine fat metabolism. Mol Biol Rep 38 (5): 2975-2986
Rehfeldt, C.; Block, J.; Lefaucheur, L.; Stabenow, B.; Otten, W.; Metges, C. C.; Kalbe, C. (2010):
Inadequate protein intake of pregnant gilts affects body composition and skeletal muscle properties of newborn piglets. In: Energy and protein metabolism and nutrition, EAAP publication No. 127, 2010, 3rd EAAP ISEP, Parma, Italy, 6-10 September 2010 (ed. G. Matteo Corvetto, Hrsg.) Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, (ISSN 0071-2477): 383-384
Rehfeldt, C.; Kalbe, C.; Lösel, D. (2010):
Impact of maternal and early postnatal nutrition on muscle growth and carcass quality in the pig. In: Energy and protein metabolism and nutrition, EAAP publication No. 127, 2010, 3rd EAAP ISEP, Parma, Italy, 6-10 September 2010 (ed. G. Matteo Corvetto,, Hrsg.) Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands , (ISSN 0071-2477): 641-651
Sarr, O.; Louveau, I.; Kalbe, C.; Metges, C. C.; Rehfeldt, C.; Gondret, F. (2010):
Prenatal exposure to maternal low or high protein diets induces modest changes in the adipose tissue proteome of newborn piglets. J Anim Sci 88 (5): 1626-1641
Eberlein, A.; Kalbe, C.; Goldammer, T.; Brunner, R. M.; Kühn, C.; Weikard, R. (2010):
Analysis of struture and gene expression of bovine CCDC3 gene indicates a function in fat metabolism. Comp Biochem Phys B 156 (1): 19-25
Kalbe, C.; Puppe, B. (2010):
Long-term cognitive enrichment affects opioid receptor expression in the amygdala of doemstic pigs. Genes Brain Behav 9 (1): 75-83
Lösel, D.; Kalbe, C.; Rehfeldt, C. (2009):
L-carnitine supplementation during suckling intensifies the early postnatal skeletal myofiber formation in piglets of low birth weight . J Anim Sci 87 (7): 2216-2226
Rehfeldt, C.; Kalbe, C.; Nürnberg, G.; Mau, M. (2009):
Dose-dependent effects of genistein and daidzein on protein metabolism in porcine myotube cultures. J Agr Food Chem 57 (3): 852-857
Rehfeldt, C.; Kalbe, C.; Block, J.; Nürnberg, G.; Stabenow, B.; Metges, C. C. (2008):
Long-term effects of low and high protein feeding to pregnant sows on offspring at market weight. In: Proc. Int. Congress of Meat Science & Technology, 10-15 August 2008, Cape Town, South Africa , 7B.15. (Int. Congress Meat Science & Technology /CD, Hrsg.): 7B.15