Dr. rer. nat. Alexander Rebl
- Aufklärung von immunologischen und stressphysiologischen Mechanismen, die zur Optimierung von Gesundheitskonzepten in der Aquakultur beitragen
- Erfassung der genombiologischen Unterschiede zwischen Individuen und Populationen etablierter und neuer Aquakulturfischarten in Hinblick auf Immunkompetenz und Performance
- 2014-heute: Wissenschaftler in der Arbeitsgruppe Fischgenetik am Forschungsinstitut für Nutztierbiologie (FBN) Dummerstorf
- 2009-2014: Leiter der Nachwuchsgruppe Genetik der Krankheitsabwehr bei Fischen am FBN
- 2007-2009: Postdoc in der Abteilung Fischgenetik am FBN
- 2004-2007: Promotion im Bereich Molekularbiologie an der Universität Rostock
- 1999-2004: Biologie-Diplomstudium an der Universität Rostock
Mueller, J.; van Muilekom, D. R.; Ehlers, J.; Suhr, M.; Hornburg, S. C.; Bang, C.; Wilkes, M.; Schultheiß, T.; Maser, E.; Rebl, A.; Goldammer, T.; Seibel, H.; Schulz, C. (2024):
Dietary Chlorella vulgaris supplementation modulates health, microbiota and the response to oxidative stress of Atlantic salmon
Scientific Reports 14: 23674, 1-19
Manzhula, K.; Rebl, A.; Budde-Sagert, K.; Rebl, H. (2024):
Interplay of Cellular Nrf2/NF-κB Signalling after Plasma Stimulation of Malignant vs. Non-Malignant Dermal Cells
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 25: 10967, 1-27
Lazado, C. C.; Albaladejo-Riad, N.; Rebl, A. (2024):
Intracellular metabolome elucidates the time-of-day-dependent response to hydrogen peroxide in salmonid gill epithelial cells
Fish & Shellfish Immunology 154, 109994, 1-10
Gebauer, T.; Roy, D. R.; Lieke, T.; Gusseinova, J.; Rebl, A.; Gebauer, R.; Stejskal, V. (2024):
Can air nanobubbles improve the swim bladder inflation in developing European perch? A pilot study of advanced water treatment
Aquacultural Engineering 107: 102475, 1-7
Gebauer, T.; Gebauer, R.; Stejskal, V.; Verleih, M.; Folorunso, E. A.; Korytář, T.; Rebl, A. (2024):
Current Status and Opportunities of Immunological Research on Percid Fishes
Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture, 1-33
Koll, R.; Brunner, R. M.; Rebl, A.; Verleih, M.; Hadlich, F.; Martorell-Ribera, J.; Goldammer, T. (2024):
Resection of the adipose fin from rainbow trout acutely alters the cerebral transcriptome and respiratory frequency
Aquaculture 594: 741472, 1-12
Verleih, M.; Visnovska, T.; Nguinkal A., J.; Rebl, A.; Goldammer, T.; Andreassen, R. (2024):
The Discovery and Characterization of Conserved and Novel miRNAs in the Different Developmental Stages and Organs of Pikeperch (Sander lucioperca)
Int J Mol Sci 25 (1): 189, 1-22
van Muilekom, D. R.; Müller, J.; Lindemeyer, J.; Schultheiß, T.; Maser, E.; Seibel, H.; Rebl, A.; Schulz, C.; Goldammer, T. (2024):
Salinity change evokes stress and immune responses in Atlantic salmon with microalgae showing limited potential for dietary mitigation
Front Physiol 15: 1338858, 1-14
Tönißen, K.; Franz, G. P.; Rebl, A.; Lutze, P.; Grunow, B. (2024):
Does Size Matter? Small and Large Larvae of Pikeperch (Sander lucioperca) in a Comparative Gene Expression Analysis
Fishes 9 (1): 33, 1-14
Zawisza, M.; Rebl, A.; Teitge, F.; Krzystyniak, B.; Piackova, V.; Gela, D.; Kocour, M.; Chadzinska, M.; Adamek, M.; Rakus, K. (2024):
Stressing out – carp edema virus induces stress and modulates immune response in common carp
Frontiers in Immunology 15: 1350197, 1-17
Hildebrand, M. C.; Rebl, A.; Goldammer, T.; Palm, H. W.; Bassmann B. (2024):
Effects of Zn-EDTA on Health and Welfare of the African Catfish Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822) in a RAS-aquaculture system
Frontiers in Aquaculture
Müller, J.; Pauly, M.; Molkentin, J.; Ostermeyer, U.; van Muilekom, D. R.; Rebl, A.; Goldammer, T.; Lindemeyer, J.; Schultheiss, G.; Seibel, H.; Schulz, C. (2023):
Microalgae as functional feed for Atlantic salmon: effects on growth, health, immunity, muscle fatty acid and pigment deposition
Front Mar Sci 10: 1273416, 1-23
Gebauer, T.; Gebauer, R.; Císař, P.; Černý, J.; Roy, D. R.; Zare, M.; Verleih, M.; Stejskal, V.; Rebl, A. (2023):
Are bold-shy personalities of European perch (Perca fluviatilis) linked to stress tolerance and immunity? A scope of harnessing fish behavior in aquaculture
Fish Shellfish Immun 143: 109190, 1-13
Decloquement, M.; Venuto, M. T.; Cogez, V.; Steinmetz, A.; Schulz, C.; Lion, C.; Noel, M.; Rigolot, V.; teppa, R.; Biot, C.; Rebl, A.; Galuska, S. P.; Harduin-Lepers, A (2023):
Salmonid polysialyltransferases to generate a variety of sialic acid polymers. Sci Rep-UK 13: 15610, 1-14
Röttgen, V.; Tümmler, L.-M.; Koczan, D.; Rebl, A.; Kuhla, B.; Vanselow, J.; Baufeld, A. (2023):
Early milk-feeding regimes in calves exert long-term effects on the development of ovarian granulosa cells. BMC Genomics 24: 485, 1-13
van Muilekom, D.; Collet, B.; Rebl, H.; Zlatina, K.; Sarais, F.; Goldammer, T.; Rebl, A. (2023):
Lost and Found: The Family of NF-κB Inhibitors Is Larger than Assumed in Salmonid Fish. Int J Mol Sci 24 (12): 10229, 1-21
Ludwig, C.; Bohleber, S.; Lapp, R.; Rebl, A.; Wirth, C.; Langhammer, M.; Schweizer, U.; Weitzel, J. M.; Michaelis, M. (2023):
Alterations in gonadotropin, apoptotic and metabolic pathways in granulosa cells warrant superior fertility of the Dummerstorf high fertility mouse line 1. J OVARIAN RES
16: 32, 1-16
Chan, J.; Picard-Sanchez, A.; Majstorovic, J.; Rebl, A.; Koczan, D.; Dycka, F.; Holzer, A.; Korytar, T. (2023):
Red blood cells in proliferative kidney disease - rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) infected by Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae harbor IgM+ red blood cells. Front Immunol 14: 1041325, 1-15
Baßmann, B.; Hahn, L.; Rebl, A.; Wenzel, L. C.; Hildebrand, M.-C.; Verleih, M.; Palm, H. W. (2023):
Effects of Stocking Density, Size, and External Stress on Growth and Welfare of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus Burchell, 1822) in a Commercial RAS. FISHES-BASEL 8 (2): 74, 1-20
Hildebrand, M.-C.; Rebl, A.; Nguinkal, J. A.; Palm, H. W.; Baßmann, B. (2023):
Effects of Fe-DTPA on Health and Welfare of the African Catfish Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822) . WATER-SUI 15 (2): 299, 1-21