
An excursion that the children will not forget!

The FBN offers the opportunity to get to know different farm animals and their husbandry conditions in a child-friendly way. During an excursion you can learn everything about animal husbandry and animal welfare on site.

You will have experts at your side to provide precise, simple and appropriate explanations. Show the children the path from fodder to milk production. We promote knowledge about farm animals and, above all, their appreciation.

Kinder schauen von dem Besuchergang des FBNs in den Schweinestall
Bild eines Ferkels auf der Wiese, welches in die Kamera schaut
Schwarzes Kalb frisst Stroh

Our animals

We offer barn tours for the following animal species: pig and cattle.

In the Experimental Animal Facilitiy Pig, you have the rare opportunity to observe the processes in a pigsty from the visitors' corridor. Get to know the different barn departments, from the birth of the piglets to the rearing and later selection of the breeding animals.

The Experimental Animal Facility Cattle shows the special features of research, as well as conventional dairy cattle husbandry in the so-called loose housing.

Make an appointment request by email now.