In dialogue with practice, economy and politics.
The expertise of the FBN ranges from animal welfare and animal health to resource-conserving husbandry in terms of environmental and climate protection to diversity in livestock breeds and their individual adaptability.
In this field, the FBN is known within the scientific community for its excellent research. Informing the professional public outside the scientific community about the knowledge and innovations gained is also an increasingly important task. The area of knowledge transfer addresses precisely this issue.
In order to support, advise and accompany the process towards sustainable and species-appropriate animal husbandry in a scientific and fact-based manner, the FBN is in constant exchange with farmers, entrepreneurs and political actors. Through this continuous dialogue, the FBN also gains new research questions, which the scientists in turn take up in their work. The knowledge transfer at the FBN thus ensures a knowledge spiral: both from the inside to the outside - i.e. from research to practice, business and politics - and from there back into the FBN.
The innovations produced by the researchers at the FBN can also lead to commercially interesting new technologies and applications. The institute holds several patents and also supports entrepreneurial spin-offs. This is also part of the FBN knowledge transfer.
Furthermore, the transfer of knowledge to the general public is of great relevance. The Press and Public Relations department ensures that people from young to old are reached via a wide variety of formats - be it the open day, press releases, TV reports or even current contributions on the FBN's social media channels.