Providing services for research based on interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary competences.
The Science Management staff group is made up of people who often originally come from a scientific background. Their own experience in research and teaching, combined with additional qualifications in areas relevant to science management, enables Science Management staff to take on tasks that lie between science and administration. Science Management thus has a "bridging function" and is therefore often referred to as a "third space". The working method is characterised by proactivity, which is intended to pave the way for new scientific structures. One aim of Science Management is to provide support services to relieve FBN scientists of demands that come from areas outside their actual research work.
Specifically, the tasks of Science Management include advising the Director on strategic procedures, supporting committee work and representing the FBN externally. In addition, Science Management supports scientists in the transfer of knowledge to and from society, business and politics. It offers researchers support in acquiring third-party funding. The area of monitoring and benchmarking scientific performance is required for professional reporting and is therefore part of the repertoire of Science Management. Research data management supports scientists in the quality assurance of research results with the aim of keeping research data accessible, reusable and verifiable in the long term and independent of individuals.