Animal Welfare Indicators at the Slaughterhouse (aWISH)
Contact: Dr. agr. Christian Manteuffel, Dr. rer. nat. Sandra Düpjan
Duration: 2022-2026
Funding: HORIZON-CL6-2021-FARM2FORK-01
At the heart of the aWISH project (Animal Welfare Indicators at the SlaughterHouse) is the large-scale, automated at-slaughter monitoring of animal-based welfare indicators for quantifying animal welfare status on-farm, during (un)loading, transport and slaughter. Novel sensors and accompanying artificial intelligence decision tools and algorithms will be developed and tested to measure these indicators, so data can be collected continuously and automatically. The aim is then to use this data to give feedback and advice on best practices to those responsible for the chicken and pigs throughout their lifetime (farmer, catching team, transporter, slaughterhouse). This approach will be developed and evaluated in close collaboration with all actors involved, from the livestock farmers up to policy makers and citizens.The FBN contribution are sensors for stress behaviour and the measurement of biochemical stress parameters in slaughter blood.
This project has received funding from the Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 101060818.