BioFiA - Bioindicators for the husbandry, health and product quality of fish in aquaculture
Contact: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Tom Goldammer
Duration: 2020-2024
Funding: Federal Ministry of Education and Research and Project Management Jülich
BioFiA represents a holistic approach to analysing the welfare of Atlantic salmon using biological indicators and AI measurement technologies. The analyses provide data on the effect of microalgae diets on fish welfare and product quality as food under the influence of stressors such as salinity changes (12-32‰), farm water purification agents or cortisol. The validation of putative biomarkers is complemented by parasitological and bacteriological analyses and the detection of microbial patterns and their nitrification efficiency in biofilters of the recirculation systems used.
Main objectives of the project: