Etablierung von Methoden zur Untersuchung der Fleischqualität in ökonomisch bedeutenden heimischen Fischarten der Aquakultur
Contact: Dr. Bianca Grunow
Duration: 2019-2020
Funding: Europäischer Meeres- und Fischereifonds/Ministerium für Landwirtschaft und Umwelt M-V
Muscle development and growth in fish as well as the quality of their meat is species-specific, genetically regulated and have hardly been investigated. In this project, specific methods for defining the meat quality of fish will be established. For this purpose, the meat of four economically important fish species will be investigated regarding their physical characteristics, their lipid and vitamin composition as well as their biochemistry and histology. Our aim is to carry out a scientifically based analysis of fishery products in order to obtain findings that guarantee consumers a high and safe product quality.