Campus Science: Mission ‘Bringing knowledge to society’.
At Campus Science, which will be one of the highlights of MeLa as in previous years, everything revolves around the table. The agricultural and food sciences in the state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern will show the diversity of the agricultural and food industry as it is received by the people. They present well-known and appreciated products in an appetising presentation. From this gourmet perspective, scientific institutions in our federal state emphasise the great importance of knowledge for nutrition. Knowledge is the basis for the production of sufficient, healthy and sustainably produced food. Research and the training of young scientists make it possible to fulfil the constantly increasing demands on the quality of products and production. Understanding nutritional trends, enabling animal welfare, preserving intact rural areas, protecting the environment and climate as the basis of life: None of this would be possible without the knowledge gained from an efficient scientific landscape.
At the Science Campus, there are opportunities for all age groups to join in, touch and try things out, e.g. to test their knowledge of food and agriculture in a quiz format. The institutes bring along equipment from their laboratories. Virtual reality glasses, for example, allow visitors to immerse themselves in agriculture without ‘getting their hands dirty’. An interactive machine makes it possible to experience research into the learning processes of goats.
An agricultural research concept for Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania presented at the beginning of the year states that work on the core topics of the agricultural and food industry requires secure perspectives. It emphasises that these topics and related issues relating to food systems, resource conservation and climate adaptation are the subject of social debate. Sound findings must be transferred into agricultural and food industry practice. The Campus Science sees itself as a contribution to the fulfilment of this task.
Visitors to MeLa are invited to find out more about the work of scientists. Students from the state's universities talk about training opportunities and their enthusiasm for pursuing a career in the future-oriented sectors of agriculture and the food industry with the associated scientific disciplines. The campus support team is made up of employees and students from the Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK), the Research Institute of Farm Animal Biology (FBN), the Gut Dummerstorf, the Fraunhofer Institutes (FhI), the State Research Centre (LFA), the Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences at the University of Rostock (AUF) and the Neubrandenburg University of Applied Sciences (HS-NB).
Dr Peter Sanftleben, Director of the State Research Institute for Agriculture and Fisheries (LFA), puts it this way: ‘We stand for application-oriented research in agriculture, horticulture and fisheries. This is how we work for a competitive agricultural centre in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Politics, practice and consulting are our partners. We are networked with agricultural research in the state. It is important to us to stay in dialogue with the people of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and to satisfy their hunger for knowledge at the table, for example at MeLa 2024.’
Contact: Prof Dr Rainer Langosch, Neubrandenburg University of Applied Sciences, Agricultural Economics and Food Sciences, Brodaer Str. 2, 17033 Neubrandenburg,
Tel.: 0395 5693-2104; e-mail: