PD Dr. sc. agr. habil. Siriluck Wimmers

Research Institute for Farm Animal Biology (FBN)
Head of Working group Integrative Genomics
Wilhelm-Stahl-Allee 2
18196 Dummerstorf

Research interests

  • Molecular genetics and expression of traits related to meat quality and other productive traits in livestock
  • miRNA regulatory network involved in energy metabolism and meat quality in muscle cells
  • Trait-associated variation at the molecular levels of the genotype-phenotype map

Curriculum Vitae

  • Since 2014: Head of unit Functional Genome Analysis, Institute of Genome Biology, FBN
  • 2004-2013: Senior Scientist, Functional Genome Analysis, FBN
  • 2003: Habilitation, venia legendi Animal Breeding and Genetics, University of Bonn
  • 1997-2003: Scientist at the Faculty of Agriculture, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelm-University Bonn
  • 1997: Assisted Professor of Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Chiang Mai, Thailand
  • 1990-1995: DAAD-Scholarship, Doctoral student at the Institute of Animal production, TU Berlin
  • 1987-1997: Lecturer of Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Chiang Mai, Thailand


Lectures and seminars at the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Bonn


Tiwari, M.; Gujar, G.; Shashank, C. G.; Ponsuksili, S. (2024):
Selection signatures for high altitude adaptation in livestock: A review
Gene 927: 148757, 1-14
Ponsuksili, S.; Siengdee, P.; Li, S.; Kriangwanich, W.; Oster, M.; Reyer, H.; Wimmers, K. (2024):
Effect of metabolically divergent pig breeds and tissues on mesenchymal stem cell expression patterns during adipogenesis
BMC Genomics 25: 407, 1-15
Li, S.; Siengdee, P.; Hadlich, F.; Trakooljul, N.; Oster, M.; Reyer, H.; Wimmers, K.; Ponsuksili, S. (2024):
Dynamics of DNA methylation during osteogenic differentiation of porcinesynovial membrane mesenchymal stem cells from two metabolically distinctbreeds
Epigenetics 19 (1): 2375011, 1-15
Adzigbli, L.; Ponsuksili, S.; Sokolova, I. (2024):
Mitochondrial responses to constant and cyclic hypoxia depend on the oxidized fuel in a hypoxia tolerant marine bivalve Crassostrea gigas
Scientific reports 14: 1-15
Hasan, M.; Reyer, H.; Oster, M.; Trakooljul, N.; Ponsuksili, S.; Magowan, E.; Fischer, D.-C.; Wimmers, K. (2024):
Exposure to artificial ultraviolet-B light mediates alterations on the hepatic transcriptome and vitamin D metabolism in pigs
J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol 236: 106428, 1-8
Omotoso, A. O.; Reyer, H.; Oster, M.; Maak, S.; Ponsuksili, S.; Wimmers, K. (2023):
Broiler physiological response to low phosphorus diets at different stages of production. Poultry Sci 102 (2): 102351, 1-38
Ponsuksili, S.; Hadlich, F.; Perdomo-Sabogal, A.; Reyer, H.; Oster, M.; Trakooljul, N.; Iqbal, M. A.; Schmucker, S.; Stefanski, V.; Roth, C.; Camarinha-Silva, A.; Huber, K.; Sommerfeld, V.; Rodehutscord, M.; Wimmers, K. (2023):
The dynamics of molecular, immune and physiological features of the host and the gut microbiome, and their interactions before and after onset of laying in two hen trains. Poultry Sci 102 (1): 102256, 1-14
Sarais, F.; Metzger, K.; Kalbe, C.; Ponsuksili, S. (2023):
Transcriptomic Response of Differentiating Porcine Myotubes to Thermal Stress and Donor Piglet Age
Int J Mol Sci 24 (17): 13599, 1-17
Li, S.; Siengdee, P.; Oster, M.; Reyer, H.; Wimmers, K.; Ponsuksili, S. (2023):
Transcriptome changes during osteogenesis of porcine mesenchymal stem cells derived from different types of synovial membranes and genetic background
Sci Rep 13: 10048, 1-15
Omotoso, A. O.; Reyer, H.; Oster, M.; Ponsuksili, S.; Wimmers, K. (2023):
Jejunal Microbiota of Broilers fed varying Levels of Mineral Phosphorus [epublished ahead of print]. Poultry Sci
Brenmoehl, J.; Brosig, E.; Trakooljul, N.; Walz, C.; Ohde, D.; Noce, A.; Walz, M.; Langhammer, M.; Petkov, S.; Röntgen, M.; Maak, S.; Galuska, C. E.; Fuchs, B.; Kuhla, B.; Ponsuksili, S.; Wimmers, K.; Hoeflich, A. (2023):
Metabolic Pathway Modeling in Muscle of Male Marathon Mice (DUhTP) and Controls (DUC) - a Possible Role of Lactate Dehydrogenase in Metabolic Flexibility. Cells-Basel 12 (15): 1925, 1-21
Iqbal, M. A.; Hadlich, F.; Reyer, H.; Oster, M.; Trakooljul, N.; Murani, E.; Perdomo-Sabogal, A.; Wimmers, K.; Ponsuksili, S. (2023):
RNA-Seq-based discovery of genetic variants and allele-specific expression of two layer lines and broiler chicken. Evol Appl 16 (6): 1135-1153
Honerlagen, H.; Reyer, H.; Abousoliman, I.; Segelke, D.; Ponsuksili, S.; Trakooljul, N.; Reinsch, N.; Kuhla, B.; Wimmers, K. (2023):
Microbial signature inferred from genomic breeding selection on milk urea concentration and its relation to proxies of nitrogen-utilization efficiency in Holsteins. J Dairy Sci 106 (7): 4682-4697
Honerlagen, H.; Reyer, H.; Segelke, D.; Müller, C. B. M.; Prahl, M. C.; Ponsuksili, S.; Trakooljul, N.; Reinsch, N.; Kuhla, B.; Wimmers, K. (2022):
Ruminal background of predisposed milk urea (MU) concentration in Holsteins. Front microbiol 13: 939711, 1-18
Hasan, M.; Oster, M.; Reyer, H.; Ponsuksili, S.; Murani, E.; Wolf, P.; Fischer, D.-C.; Wimmers, K. (2022):
Tissue-Wide Expression of Genes Related to Vitamin D Metabolism and FGF23 Signaling following Variable Phosphorus Intake in Pigs. METABOLITES 12 (8): 729, 1-15
Adzigbli, L.; Sokolov, E. P.; Wimmers, K.; Sokolova, I. M.; Ponsuksili, S. (2022):
Effects of hypoxia and reoxygenation on mitochondrial functions and transcriptional profles of isolated brain and muscle porcine cells. Sci Rep-UK 12: 19881, 1-17
Metzger, K.; Kalbe, C.; Siengdee, P.; Ponsuksili, S. (2022):
The effects of temperature and donor piglet age on the transcriptomic profile and energy metabolism of myoblasts. Front Physiol 13: 979283, 1-13
Iqbal, M. A.; Reyer, H.; Oster, M.; Hadlich, F.; Trakooljul, N.; Perdomo-Sabogal, A.; Schmucker, S.; Stefanski, V.; Roth, C.; Camarinha-Silva, A.; Huber, K.; Sommerfeld, V.; Rodehutscord, M.; Wimmers, K.; Ponsuksili, S. (2022):
Multi-Omics Reveals Different Strategies in the Immune and Metabolic Systems of High-Yielding Strains of Laying Hens. Front Genet 13: 858232, 1-20
Sarais, F.; Perdomo-Sabogal, A.; Wimmers, K.; Ponsuksili, S. (2022):
tiRNAs: Insights into Their Biogenesis, Functions, and Future Applications in Livestock Research. NON-CODING RNA 8 (3): 37, 1-19
Perdomo-Sabogal, A.; Trakooljul, N.; Hadlich, F.; Murani, E.; Wimmers, K.; Ponsuksili, S. (2022):
DNA methylation landscapes from pig’s limbic structures underline regulatory mechanisms relevant for brain plasticity. Sci Rep-UK 12: 16293, 1-13