Quentin Leon Sciascia, Ph.D.

Research Institute for Farm Animal Biology (FBN)
Working group Nutritional Physiology
Wilhelm-Stahl-Allee 2
18196 Dummerstorf


Sciascia, Q.; Sales, F. A.; van der Linden, D. S; Wards, N. J.; Oliver, M. H.; Blair, H.; McCoard, S. A. (2015):
Nutritional plane of twin-bearing ewes alters fetal mammary gland biochemical composition and mTOR / MAPK pathway signalling. J Anim Sci 93 (2): 699-708
van der Linden, D. S.; Sciascia, Q.; Sales, F. A.; McCoard, S. A. (2013):
Placental nutrient transport is affected by pregnancy rank in sheep. J Anim Sci 91 (2): 644-653
McCoard, S.; Sales, F. A.; Wards, N. J.; Sciascia, Q.; Oliver, M. H.; Koolard, J.; van der Linden, D. S. (2013):
Parenteral administration of twin-bearing ewes with L-arginine enhances the birth weight and brown fat stores in sheep. SpringerPlus 2: 684-696