PD Dr. med. vet. habil. Monika Röntgen

Research Institute for Farm Animal Biology (FBN)
Head of Working group Cell Biology of Muscle Growth
Wilhelm-Stahl-Allee 2
18196 Dummerstorf


Schweigel, M. (2009):
Messung der gasförmigen usscheidungen - Anwendungsbeispiele im Fütterungsversuch. In: Forum angewandte Forschung in der Rinder- und Schweinefütterung, Beiträge der Veranstaltung vom 01. und 02.04. 2009 in Fulda (Verband der Landwirtschaftlichen Untersuchungs- und Forschungsanstalten, Hrsg.) Verband der Landwirtschaftlichen Untersuchungs- und Forschungsanstalten, Speyer (2009): 13-16
Hammon, H. M.; Kuhla, B.; Schweigel, M. (2009):
Energiedefizit moderner Milchkühe im Visier. Leibniz Nordost 2009 (8): 10-11
Schweigel, M.; Voigt, J.; Mohr, E. (2009):
Indication of intracellular magnesium deficiency in lactating dairy cows revealed by magnesium loading and renal fractional excretion. J Anim Physiol An N 93 (1): 105-112
Schweigel, M.; Kolisek, M.; Nicolic, Z.; Kuzinski, J. (2008):
Expression and functional activity of Na/Mg exchanger, TRPM7 and MagT1 are changed to regulate Mg homeostasis and transport in rumen epithelial cells. Magnesium Res 21 (2): 118-123
Kolisek, M.; Launay, P.; Beck, G.; Sponder, G.; Serafini, N.; Brenkus, M.; Froschauer, E.; Martens, H.; Fleig, A.; Schweigel, M. (2008):
SLC41A1 Is a Novel Mammalian Mg2+ Carrier. J Biol Chem 283 (23): 16235-16247
Albrecht, E.; Kolisek, M.; Viergutz, T.; Zitnan, R.; Schweigel, M. (2008):
Molecular identification, immunolocalization, and functional activity of a vacuolar-type H(+)-ATPase in bovine rumen epithelium. J Comp Physiol B 178 (3): 285-295
Schweigel, M.; Voigt, J.; Mohr, E. (2007):
Indication of intracellular magnesium deficiency in lactating dairy cows revealed by magnesium loading and renal fractional excretion. J Anim Physiol An N 93 (1): 105-112
Jentsch, W.; Schweigel, M.; Weißbach, F.; Scholze, H.; Pitroff, Wolfgang; Derno, M. (2007):
Methane production in cattle calculated by the nutrient composition of the diet. Arch Anim Nutr 61 (1): 10-19
Etschmann, B.; Heipertz, KS; von der Schulenburg, Annabelle; Schweigel, M. (2006):
A vH+-ATPase is present in cultured sheep ruminal epithelial cells. Am J Physiol-Gastr L 291 (6): G1171-G1179
Kolisek, M.; Schweyen, R.; Schweigel, M. (2006):
Cellular Mg2+ transport nd homeostasis: an overview. In: New perspectives in magnesium research. Nutrition and health (Nishizawa, Y., Morii, H. and Durlach, J., Hrsg.) Springer-Verlag, London: 21-33
Schweigel, M.; Park, H.-S.; Etschmann, B.; Martens, H. (2006):
Characterization of the Na+ dependent Mg2+ transport in sheep ruminal epthelial cells. Am J Physiol-Gastr L 290 (1): G56-G65
Schweigel, M.; Freyer, M.; Leclercq, S.; Lodeman, U.; Böttner, A.; Martens, H. (2005):
Luminal hyperosmolarity decreases Na transport and impairs barrier function of sheep rumen epithelium. J Comp Physiol B 175 (8): 575-591
Derno, M.; Jentsch, W.; Schweigel, M.; Kuhla, B.; Metges, C. C.; Matthes, H.-D. (2005):
Measurements of heat production for estimation of maintenance energy requirements of Hereford steers. J Anim Sci 83 (11): 2590-2597
Froschauer, E.; Kolisek, M.; Dieterich, F; Schweigel, M.; Schweyen, R. (2004):
Fluorescence measurements of free [Mg 2+ ] by use of mag-fura 2 in Salmonella enterica. FEMS Microbiol Lett 237 (1): 49-55