PD Dr. med. vet. habil. Monika Röntgen

Research Institute for Farm Animal Biology (FBN)
Head of Working group Cell Biology of Muscle Growth
Wilhelm-Stahl-Allee 2
18196 Dummerstorf


Aguinaga Casañas, M.; Schäff, C. T.; Albrecht, E.; Hammon, H. M.; Kuhla, B.; Röntgen, M.; Nürnberg, G.; Mielenz, M. (2017):
Short communication: Free fatty acid receptors FFAR1 and FFAR2 during the peripartal period in liver of dairy cows grouped by their postpartum plasma beta-hydroxybutyrate concentrations. J Dairy Sci 100 (4): 3287-3292
Miersch, C.; Stange, K.; Hering, S.; Kolisek, M.; Viergutz, T.; Röntgen, M. (2017):
Molecular and functional heterogeneity of early postnatal porcine satellite cell populations is associated with bioenergetic profile. Sci Rep-UK 7: 45052, 1-14
Weber, F. M.; Schäff, C. T.; Kautzsch, U.; Börner, S.; Erdmann, S.; Bruckmaier, R. M.; Röntgen, M.; Kuhla, B.; Hammon, H. M. (2017):
Variable liver fat concentration as a proxy of body fat mobilization postpartum has minor effects on the insulin induced changes of hepatic gene expression related to energy metabolism in dairy cows. J Dairy Sci 100 (2): 1507-1520
Wang, S.; Meese, S.; Ulbrich, S. E.; Röntgen, M.; Kreuzer, M.; Schwarm, A. (2016):
Effect of plasma factors on in vitro activation and proliferation of leukocytes from peripartal cows. In: Energy and Protein metabolism and nutrition : 5th EAAP International Symposium, Krakow, Poland, 12-15 September 2016 (EAAP Publication , 137) (Jacek Skomial, Helene Lapierre, Hrsg.) Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen (978-90-8686-286-3): 147-148
Meese, S.; Ulbrich, S. E.; Bollwein, H.; Bruckmaier, R. M.; Wellnitz, O.; Kreuzer, M.; Röntgen, M.; Gimsa, U.; Schwarm, A. (2016):
Relation of leukocyte activation and proliferation to feed efficiency in peripartal cows. In: Energy and protein metabolism and nutrition : 5th EAAP International Symposium on Energy and Protein Metabolism and Nutrition, Krakow, Poland, 12-15 September 2016 (EAAP Publication , 137) (Jacek Skomial, Helene Lapiere, Hrsg.) Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen (978-90-8686-832-2): 105-106
Meese, S.; Ulbrich, S. E.; Bollwein, H.; Bruckmaier, R. M.; Wellnitz, O.; Kreuzer, M.; Röntgen, M.; Gimsa, U.; Schwarm, A. (2016):
Untersuchung zur Interaktion von Methanemission und Immunantwort bei hochleistenden Milchkühen in der Frühlaktation. In: Umdenken in der Eiweißversorgung der Nutztiere : Prof. Dr. Michael Kreuzer zum 60-igsten Geburtstag gewidmet : Tagungsbericht, 11. Mai 2016 (ETH-Schriftenreihe zur Tierernährung , Band 39) ETH, Zürich (978-3-906466-39-6): 134-136
Weber, F. M.; Schäff, C. T.; Kautzsch, U.; Börner, S.; Erdmann, S.; Görs, S.; Röntgen, M.; Sauerwein, H.; Bruckmaier, R. M.; Metges, C. C.; Kuhla, B.; Hammon, H. M. (2016):
Insulin-dependent glucose metabolism in dairy cows with variable fat mobilization around calving. J Dairy Sci 99 (8): 6665-6679
Schwarm, A.; Schweigel-Röntgen, M.; Kreuzer, M.; Ortmann, S.; Gill, F.; Kuhla, B.; Meyer, U.; Lohölter, M.; Derno, M. (2015):
Methane emission, digestive characteristics and faecal archaeol in heifers fed diets based on silage from brown midrib maize as compared to conventional maize. Arch Anim Nutr 69 (3): 159-176
Schweigel-Röntgen, M. (2014):
The families of zinc (SLC30 and SLC39) and copper (SLC31) transporters. In: Exchangers (Current Topics in Membranes , 73) (Mark O. Bevensee, Hrsg.) Academic Press Elsevier, Amsterdam (978-0-12-800223-0): 321-355
Schweigel-Röntgen, M.; Kolisek, M. (2014):
SLC41 transporters - molecular identification and functional role. In: Exchangers (Current Topics in Membranes , 73) (Mark O. Bevensee, Hrsg.) Academic Press Elsevier, Burlington (978-0-12-800223-0): 383-410
Schwarm, A.; Schweigel-Röntgen, M.; Ortmann, S.; Kuhla, B.; Meyer, U.; Lohhölter, M.; Derno, M. (2013):
Brown Midrib Mais – ein Futtermittel mit Potential? : Futterwert und Auswirkungen auf Methanemissionen. In: Sind hohe Leistungen „Bio-kompatibel“? Herausforderungen für die Tierernährung (ETH-Schriftenreihe zur Tierernährung , 36) (M. Kreuzer et al., Hrsg.) ETH, Zürich (978-3-906466-36-1) ( 36): 68-71
Fleig, A.; Röntgen, M.; Kolisek, M. (2013):
Solute carrier family SLC41: what do we really know about it?. WIREs Membr Transp Signal 2 (6): 227-239
Schäff, C. T.; Börner, S.; Hacke, S.; Kautzsch, U.; Sauerwein, H.; Spachmann, S. K.; Schweigel-Röntgen, M.; Hammon, H. M.; Kuhla, B. (2013):
Increased muscle fatty acid oxidation in dairy cows with intensive body fat mobilization during early lactation. J Dairy Sci 96 (10): 6449-6460
Börner, S.; Albrecht, E.; Schäff, C. T.; Hacke, S.; Kautzsch, U.; Derno, M.; Hammon, H. M.; Röntgen, M.; Sauerwein, H.; Kuhla, B. (2013):
Reduced AgRP activation in the hypothalamus of cows with high extent of fat mobilization after parturition. Gen Comp Endocr 193: 167-177
Kolisek, M.; Sponder, G.; Mastrototaro, L.; Smorodchenko, A.; Launay, P.; Vormann, J.; Schweigel-Röntgen, M. (2013):
Substitution p.A350V in Na+/Mg2+ exchanger SLC41A1, potentially associated with Parkinson`s disease, is a gain-of-function mutation. Plos One 8 (8): 1-11
Nestler, A.; Sponder, G.; Rutchmann, K.; Mastrototaro, L.; Weise, C.; Vormann, J.; Schweigel-Röntgen, M.; Kolisek, M. (2013):
Nature of SLC41A1 complexes: report on split-ubiquitin yeast two hybrid assay. Magnesium Res 26 (2): 56-66
Derno, M.; Nürnberg, G.; Schön, P.-Ch.; Schwarm, A.; Röntgen, M.; Hammon, H. M.; Metges, C. C.; Bruckmaier, R. M.; Kuhla, B. (2013):
Short-term feed intake is regulated by macronutrient oxidation in lactating Holstein cows. J Dairy Sci 96 (2): 971-980
Börner, S.; Derno, M.; Hacke, S.; Kautzsch, U.; Schäff, C. T.; ThanThan, S.; Kuwayama, H.; Hammon, H. M.; Röntgen, M.; Weikard, R.; Kühn, C.; Tuchscherer, A.; Kuhla, B. (2013):
Plasma ghrelin is positively associated with body fat, liver fat and milk fat content, but not with feed intake of dairy cows after parturition. J Endocrinol 216 (2): 217-229
Schwarm, A.; Viergutz, T.; Kuhla, B.; Hammon, H. M.; Schweigel-Röntgen, M. (2013):
Fuel feeds function: energy balance and bovine peripheral blood mononuclear cell activation. Comp Biochem Phys A 164 (1): 101-110
Schäff, C. T.; Albrecht, D.; Hammon, H. M.; Röntgen, M.; Metges, C. C.; Kuhla, B. (2012):
A longitudinal proteomic approach to investigate liver metabolism in periparturient dairy cows with different body fat mobilization. In: Farm Animal Proteomics : proceedings of the 3rd Managing Commitee Meeting and 2nd Meeting of the Working Groups 1,2 & 3 of COST Action FA1002 (Pedro Rodrigues, David Eckersall, Andre de Almeida, Hrsg.) Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen (978-90-8686-195-8, 978-90-8686-751-6 eBook): 145-147