PD Dr. rer. nat. habil. Manfred Mielenz
Research interests
- insects as farm animals for the utilization of residuals and by-products
- nutrient sensing
- energy efficiency
- metabolism
- adipokines
- fatty acids
- metabolic signalling pathways
- bioactive food ingredients
Curriculum Vitae
- 2013–present: Senior Scientist, Research Institute for Farm Animal Biology (FBN) Dummerstorf, Institute of Nutritional Physiology 'Oskar Kellner'
- 2013–present: Private Lecturer at the University of Bonn
- 2013: Habilitation (Physiology) at the University of Bonn
- 2002–2012: Senior Scientist at the University of Bonn, Institute of Animal Science, Physiology and Hygiene Unit
- Doctorate at the University of Hannover; Thesis at the Friedrich-Loeffler Institute, Federal Research Institute of Animal Health, Institute of Farm Animal Genetics, Department of Functional Genomics and Bioregulation, formerly Federal Agricultural Research Center (FAL) in Mariensee
- Studies in Biology at the University of Hannover; Diploma thesis at the Federal Agricultural Research Center (FAL) in Mariensee
Seyedalmoosavi, M. M.; Daş, G.; Mielenz, M.; Maak; S.; Wolf, P.; Metges, C. C. (2024):
Growth, nutrient uptake, blood metabolites and bone properties in broilers consuming feed with mineral-enriched whole black soldier fly larvae
Journal of Insects as Food and Feed
Deruytter, D.; Gasco, L.; Yakti, W.; Katz, H.; Coudron, C. L.; Gligorescu, A.; Frooninckx, L.; Noyens, I.; Meneguz, M.; Grosso, F.; Bellezza Oddon, S.; Biasato, I.; Mielenz, M.; Veldkamp, T.; van Loon, J. J. A.; Spranghers, T.; Vandenberg, G. W.; Oonincx, D. G. A. B.; Bosch, G. (2023):
Standardising black soldier fly larvae feeding experiments: an initial protocol and variability estimates
J Insects Food Feed
Seyedalmossavi, S. M.; Mielenz, M.; Schleifer, K.; Görs, S.; Wolf, P.; Tränckner, J.; Hüther, L.; Dänicke, S.; Daş, G.; Metges, C. C. (2023):
Upcycling of recycled minerals from sewage sludge through black soldier fly larvae (Hermetia illucens): Impact on growth and mineral accumulation. J ENVIRON MANAGE
344: 118695, 1-12
Daş, G.; Seyedalmossavi, S. M.; Schleifer, K.; Mielenz, M.; Metges, C. C. (2023):
The validity of the bioaccumulation index versus the bioaccumulation factor for assessment of element accumulation in black soldier fly larvae
Veshkini, A.; Gnott, M.; Vogel, L.; Kröger-Koch, C.; Tuchscherer, A.; Tröscher, A.; Bernabucci, U.; Trevesi, E.; Starke, A.; Mielenz, M.; Bachmann, L.; Hammon, H. M. (2023):
Abomasal infusion of essential fatty acids and conjugated linoleic acid during late pregnancy and early lactation affects immunohematological and oxidative stress markers in dairy cows [epublished ahead of print]. J Dairy Sci
Seyedalmossavi, S. M.; Dannenberger, D.; Pfuhl, R.; Görs, S.; Mielenz, M.; Maak, S.; Wolf, P.; Daş, G.; Metges, C. C. (2023):
Lipid metabolism, fatty acid composition and meat quality in broilers supplemented with increasing levels of defrosted black soldier fly larvae
. J INSECTS FOOD FEED 9 (5): 583-598
Seyedalmossavi, S. M.; Mielenz, M.; Veldkamp, T.; Das, G.; Metges, C. C. (2022):
Growth efficiency, intestinal biology, and nutrient utilization and requirements of black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) larvae compared to monogastric livestock species: a review. J Anim Sci Biotechno 13: 31, 1-20
Seyedalmossavi, S. M.; Mielenz, M.; Görs, S.; Wolf, P.; Das, G.; Metges, C. C. (2022):
Effects of increasing levels of whole Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia illucens) larvae in broiler rations on acceptance, nutrient and energy intakes and utilization, and growth performance of broilers. Poultry Sci 101 (12): 102202, 1-15
Revskij, D.; Haubold, S. S.; Plinski, C.; Viergutz, T.; Tuchscherer, A.; Kröger-Koch, C.; Albrecht, E.; Günther, J.; Tröscher, A.; Hammon, H. M.; Schuberth, H.-J.; Mielenz, M. (2022):
Cellular detection of the chemokine receptor CXCR4 in bovine mammary glands and its distribution and regulation on bovine leukocytes. J Dairy Sci 105 (1): 866-876
Koch, F.; Derno, M.; Langhammer, M.; Tuchscherer, A.; Hammon, H. M.; Mielenz, M.; Metges, C. C.; Kuhla, B. (2021):
A high-protein diet containing inulin/oligofructose supports body weight gain associated with lower energy expenditure and carbohydrate oxidation, and alters faecal microbiota in C57BL/6 mice. J NUTR SCI 10: e50, 1-10
Gnott, M.; Vogel, L.; Kröger-Koch, C.; Dannenberger, D.; Tuchscherer, A.; Tröscher, A.; Trevisi, E.; Stefaniak, T.; Jawor, P.; Starke, S.; Mielenz, M.; Bachmann, L.; Hammon, H. M. (2020):
Changes in fatty acids in plasma and association with the inflammatory response in dairy cows abomasally infused with essential fatty acids and conjugated linoleic acid during late and early lactation. J Dairy Sci 103 (12): 11889-11910
Revskij, D.; Haubold, S. S.; Viergutz, T.; Kröger-Koch, C.; Tuchscherer, A.; Kirchberger, H.S.; Rychlik, M.; Tröscher, A.; Hammon, H. M.; Schuberth, H.-J.; Mielenz, M. (2019):
Dietary fatty acids affect red blood cell membrane composition and red blood cell ATP release in dairy cows. Int J Mol Sci 20: 2769, 1-19
Mansouryar, M.; Mirzaei-Alamouti, H.; Dehghan-banadaky, M.; Sauerwein, H.; Mielenz, M.; Nielsen, M. O. (2018):
Short communication: relationship between body condition score and plasma adipokines in early-lactating Holstein dairy cows. J Dairy Sci 101 (9): 8552-8558
Mielenz, M.; Pfaffl, M.W.; Schlumbohm, C.; Harmeyer, J.; Parvizi, N. (2018):
Growth hormone secretion patterns in German Landrace (DL) fetuses and piglets compared to DL piglets with inherited 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 deficiency. Nutrients 10: 617, 1-7
Aguinaga Casañas, M.; Schäff, C. T.; Albrecht, E.; Hammon, H. M.; Kuhla, B.; Röntgen, M.; Nürnberg, G.; Mielenz, M. (2017):
Short communication: Free fatty acid receptors FFAR1 and FFAR2 during the peripartal period in liver of dairy cows grouped by their postpartum plasma beta-hydroxybutyrate concentrations. J Dairy Sci 100 (4): 3287-3292
Schäff, C. T.; Gruse, J.; Maciej, J.; Mielenz, M.; Wirthgen, E.; Hoeflich, A.; Schmicke, M.; Pfuhl, R.; Jawor, P.; Stefaniak, T.; Hammon, H. M. (2016):
Effects of feeding milk replacer ad libitum or in restricted amounts for the first five weeks of life on the growth, metabolic adaptation, and immune status of newborn calves. Plos One 11 (12): e0168974, 1-24
van den Borne, J.J.G.C.; Labussière, E.; Mielenz, M.; Sauerwein, H.; Gerrits, W. J. J. (2016):
Exchanging fat for lactose in milk replacer stimulates de novo lipogenesis in calves. In: Energy and protein metabolism and nutrition : 5th EAAP International Symposium, Krakow, Poland, 12-15 September 2016 (EAAP Publication , 137) (Jacek Skomial, Hélène Lapierre, Hrsg.) Wageninen Academic Publishers, Wageningen (978-90-8686-286-3): 145-146
Stoldt, A.-K.; Mielenz, M.; Nürnberg, G.; Sauerwein, H.; Esatbeyoglu, T.; Wagner, A. E.; Rimbach, G.; Starke, S.; Wolffram, S.; Metges, C. C. (2016):
Effects of a six-week intraduodenal supplementation with quercetin on liver lipid metabolism and oxidative stress in peripartal dairy cows. J Anim Sci 94 (5): 1913-1923