Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Klaus Wimmers

Research Institute for Farm Animal Biology (FBN)
Head of Working Group Physiological Genomics
Wilhelm-Stahl-Allee 2
18196 Dummerstorf

Research interests

  • inheritance and expression of traits related to productive adaptability and resilience in livestock
  • Trait-associated variation at the molecular levels of the genotype-phenotype map
  • Transcriptional response to exogenous stimuli and epigenetic basis of genotype-environment interaction

Curriculum Vitae

  • since 2016: director of the Research Institute for Farm Animal Biology & Professor "Animal Breeding and Genetics", Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Science, University Rostock
  • 2008-2016: adjunct Professor, University of Bonn
  • 2004-2016: head of Institute for Genome Biology of the Research Institute for Farm Animal Biology (FBN)
  • 2002: habilitation in Animal Breeding and Genetics, University of Bonn
    1996-2003: scientific coworker at the Institute of Animal science, University of Bonn
  • 1994: doctorate (Dr. rer. nat.)
  • 1990-1996: research fellow at the Institute of Animal production, TU Berlin
  • 1989: Study of veterinary science, FU Berlin


  • Lectures and seminars at the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Bonn and at the Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, University of Rostock


Murani, E.; Muraniova, M.; Ponsuksili, S.; Schellander, K.; Wimmers, K. (2006):
Molecular characterization and evidencing of the porcine CRH gene as a functional-positional candidate for growth and body composition. Biochem Bioph Res Co 342 (2): 394-405
Schwerin, M.; Fries, R.; Simianer, H.; Swalve, H.; Wimmers, K. (2006):
Die strukturelle und funktionelle Genomanalyse - neue Wege zum Verstehen des Phänotyps - Stand und Perspektiven. Zuchtungskunde 78: 1-16
Murani, E.; Ponsuksili, S.; Wimmers, K. (2005):
Simultaneous detection of SNPs in four porcine genes using hybridisation probes and the Light Cycler 2.0 instrument. Biochemica 2: 7-9
Ponsuksili, S.; Brunner, R. M.; Goldammer, T.; Kühn, C.; Walz, C.; Chomdej, S.; Tesfaye, D.; Schellander, K.; Wimmers, K.; Schwerin, M. (2005):
Bovine NALP5, NALP8, and NALP9 Genes: Assignment to a QTL Region and the Expression in Adult Tissues, Oocytes, and Preimplantation Embryos. Biol Reprod 74 (3): 577-584
Mennicken, L.; Ponsuksili, S.; Tholen, E.; Nguyen Khang Thi Kim, K.; Steier, K.; Petersen, J.; Schellander, K.; Wimmers, K. (2005):
Divergent selection for omega 3: omega 6 polyunsaturated fatty acid ratio in quail eggs. Arch Tierzucht 48: 527-534
Wimmers, K.; Trakooljul, N.; Schellander, K.; Ponsuksili, S. (2005):
Polymorphisms of the androgen receptor gene associate with fatness, uterus and ovary measurements in the pig. Arch Tierzucht 48: 372-382
Wimmers, K.; Murani, E.; Schellander, K.; Ponsuksili, S. (2005):
Combining QTL- and expression-analysis: identification of functional positional candidate genes for meat quality and carcass traits. Arch Tierzucht 48 (Sp. Iss.): 23-31
Wimmers, K.; Lin, C.L.; Tholen, E.; Jennen, D.; Schellander, K.; Ponsuksili, S. (2005):
Polymorphisms in candidate genes as markers for sperm quality and boar fertility. Anim Genet 36 (2): 152-155
Wetscher, F.; Havlicek, V.; Huber, T.; Gilles, M.; Tesfaye, D.; Griese, J.; Wimmers, K.; Schellander, K.; Müller, M. J.; Brem, G. (2005):
Intrafallopian transfer of gametes and early stage embryos for in vivo culture in cattle. Theriogenology 64 (1): 30-40
Ponsuksili, S.; Murani, E.; Schellander, K.; Schwerin, M.; Wimmers, K. (2005):
Identification of functional candidate genes for body composition by expression analyses and evidencing impact by association analysis and mapping. BBA-Gene Struct Expr 1730 (1): 31-40
Ponsuksili, S.; Chomdej, S.; Murani, E.; Blaeser, U.; Schreinemachers, H.-J.; Schellander, K.; Wimmers, K. (2005):
SNP detection and genetic mapping of porcine genes encoding enzymes in hepatic metabolic pathways and evaluation of linkage with carcass traits. Anim Genet 36 (6): 477-483
Mamo, S.; Ponsuksili, S.; Wimmers, K.; Gilles, M.; Schellander, K. (2005):
Expression of retinoid X receptor transcripts and their significance for developmental competence in in vitro-produced pre-implantation-stage bovine embryos. Reprod Domest Anim 40 (2): 177-183
El-Halawany, N.; Ponsuksili, S.; Wimmers, K.; Gilles, M.; Tesfaye, D.; Schellander, K. (2005):
Quantitative expression analysis of blastocyst-derived gene transcripts in preimplantation developmental stages of in vitro-produced bovine embryos using real-time polymerase chain reaction technology. Reprod Fert Develop 16 (8): 753-762
Wimmers, K.; Ponsuksili, S.; Schellander, K. (2004):
The muscle transcriptome. In: Muscle Development of Livestock Animals: Physiology, Genetics, and Meat Quality (te Pas,M.F.M., Haagsman, H.P., Everts, M.E., , Hrsg.) CAB International Publishers,: 225-245
Tesfaye, D.; Ponsuksili, S.; Wimmers, K.; Gilles, M.; Schellander, K. (2004):
A comparative expression analysis of gene transcripts in post-fertilization developmental stages of bovine embryos produced in vitro or in vivo. Reprod Domest Anim 39 (6): 396-404
Trakooljul, N.; Ponsuksili, S.; Schellander, K.; Wimmers, K. (2004):
Polymorphisms of the porcine androgen receptor gene affecting its amino acid sequence and expression level. BBA-Gene Struct Expr 1678 (2-3): 94-101
Chomdej, S.; Ponsuksili, S.; Schellander, K.; Wimmers, K. (2004):
Sequencing, SNP identification and mapping of the porcine PTHLH gene to chromosome 5. Anim Genet 35 (2): 151-152
Kumar, K.G.; Ponsuksili, S.; Schellander, K.; Wimmers, K. (2004):
Molecular cloning and sequencing of porcine C5 gene and its association with immunological traits. Immunogenetics 55 (12): 811-817
Wimmers, K.; Schellander, K.; Ponsuksili, S. (2004):
BF, HP, DQB and DRB are associated with haemolytic complement activity, acute phase protein reaction and antibody response in the pig. VET IMMUNOL IMMUNOP 99 (3-4): 215-228
Wimmers, K.; Schmidt, P.; Valle-Zarate, A.; Brockmann, G.; Horst, P.; Schwerin, M. (1996):
Molecular analysis of a new variant of the ev21 insertion/K‐gene complex in the super slow feathering Nunukan chicken. J Anim Breed Genet 113 (1-6): 323-330