Dr. rer. nat. Henry Reyer
Research interests
- Diversity and inheritance of complex traits related to performance, immunity and behaviour
- Genetic variation with regard to the utilisation of micro- and macronutrients in farmed animals
Curriculum Vitae
- since 2014: Postdoctoral Fellow, Leibniz Institute for Farm Animal Biology (FBN)
- 2009-2014: Ph.D. Student, University of Rostock/Leibniz Institute for Farm Animal Biology (FBN)
- 2009: Diploma (Biology), University of Rostock
- 2003-2009: Studies in biology, University of Rostock
Omotoso, A. O.; Reyer, H.; Oster, M.; Ponsuksili, S.; Metzler-Zebeli, B.; Wimmers, K. (2024):
Hepatic Transcriptomics of Broilers with Low and High Feed Conversion in Response to Caloric Restriction
Metabolites 14: 625, 1-13
Oladosu, O. J.; Reyer, H.; Weikard, R.; Grafl, B.; Liebhart, D.; Metges, C. C.; Kühn, C.; Das, G. (2024):
Hepatic transcriptomic analysis reveals differential regulation of metabolic and immune pathways in three strains of chickens with distinct growth rates exposed to mixed parasite infections
Veterinary Research 55: 125, 1-17
Honerlagen, H.; Reyer, H.; Wimmers, K. (2024):
Fundamental insights into the host genome - rumen microbiota - trait complex of cow-individual nitrogen (N) utilisation and N excretion
Züchtungskunde 96 (1), 34-42
Abitew, Y. A.; Reyer, H.; Hadlich, F.; Oster, M.; Trakooljul, N.; Sommerfeld, V.; Rodehutscord, M.; Wimmers, K.; Ponsuksili, S. (2024):
Transcriptional responses to diets without mineral phosphorus supplementation in the jejunum of two high-yielding laying hen strains
Poultry Science 103 (12): 104484, 1-11
Reyer, H.; Honerlagen, H.; Oster, M.; Ponsuksili, S.; Kuhla, B.; Wimmers, K. (2024):
Multi-tissue gene expression profiling of cows with a genetic predisposition for low and high milk urea levels
Animal Biotechnology 35 (1): 2322542, 1-9
Müller, C. B. M.; Tümmler, L.-M.; Reyer, H.; Viergutz, T.; Kuhla, B. (2024):
Interactions between rumen epithelium-associated microbiota and host immunological and metabolic adaptations in response to different milk replacer feeding intensities in dairy calves [epublished ahead of print]
Animal Nutrition: 1-44
Ponsuksili, S.; Siengdee, P.; Li, S.; Kriangwanich, W.; Oster, M.; Reyer, H.; Wimmers, K. (2024):
Effect of metabolically divergent pig breeds and tissues on mesenchymal stem cell expression patterns during adipogenesis
BMC Genomics 25: 407, 1-15
Li, S.; Siengdee, P.; Hadlich, F.; Trakooljul, N.; Oster, M.; Reyer, H.; Wimmers, K.; Ponsuksili, S. (2024):
Dynamics of DNA methylation during osteogenic differentiation of porcinesynovial membrane mesenchymal stem cells from two metabolically distinctbreeds
Epigenetics 19 (1): 2375011, 1-15
Koch, F.; Reyer, H.; Görs, S.; Hansen, C.; Wimmers, K; Kuhla, B. (2024):
Heat stress and feeding effects on the mucosa-associated and digesta microbiome and their relationship to plasma and digesta fluid metabolites in the jejunum of dairy cows
Journal of Dairy Science 107: 5162-5177
Hasan, M.; Reyer, H.; Oster, M.; Trakooljul, N.; Ponsuksili, S.; Magowan, E.; Fischer, D.-C.; Wimmers, K. (2024):
Exposure to artificial ultraviolet-B light mediates alterations on the hepatic transcriptome and vitamin D metabolism in pigs
J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol 236: 106428, 1-8
Reyer, H.; Abou-Soliman, I.; Schulze, M.; Henne, H.; Reinsch, N.; Schön, J.; Wimmers, K. (2024):
Genome-Wide Association Analysis of Semen Characteristics in Piétrain Boars
Genes 15 (3): 382, 1-12
Omotoso, A. O.; Reyer, H.; Oster, M.; Maak, S.; Ponsuksili, S.; Wimmers, K. (2023):
Broiler physiological response to low phosphorus diets at different stages of production. Poultry Sci 102 (2): 102351, 1-38
Ponsuksili, S.; Hadlich, F.; Perdomo-Sabogal, A.; Reyer, H.; Oster, M.; Trakooljul, N.; Iqbal, M. A.; Schmucker, S.; Stefanski, V.; Roth, C.; Camarinha-Silva, A.; Huber, K.; Sommerfeld, V.; Rodehutscord, M.; Wimmers, K. (2023):
The dynamics of molecular, immune and physiological features of the host and
the gut microbiome, and their interactions before and after onset of laying in two
hen trains. Poultry Sci 102 (1): 102256, 1-14
Schumacher, T.; Reyer, H.; Maak, S.; Röntgen, M. (2023):
Homer 1 genotype AA variant relates to congenital splay leg syndrome in piglets by repressing Pax7 in myogenic progenitors
Front Vet Sci 10: 1028879, 1-15
Sallam, A. M.; Reyer, H.; Wimmers, K.; Bertolini, F.; Aboul-Naga, A.; Braz, C. U.; Rabee, A. E. (2023):
Genome-wide landscape of runs of homozygosity and differentiation across Egyptian goat breeds
BMC Genomics 24: 573, 1-16
Sallam, A. M.; Abousoliman, I.; Reyer, H.; Wimmers, K.; Rabee, A. E. (2023):
New insights into the genetic predisposition of brucellosis and its effect on the gut and vaginal microbiota in goats
Sci Rep 13: 20086, 1-17
Li, S.; Siengdee, P.; Oster, M.; Reyer, H.; Wimmers, K.; Ponsuksili, S. (2023):
Transcriptome changes during osteogenesis of porcine mesenchymal stem cells derived from different types of synovial membranes and genetic background
Sci Rep 13: 10048, 1-15
Dotsev, A. V.; Koshkina, O.; Kharzinova, V. R.; Deniskova, T. E.; Reyer, H.; Kunz, E.; Mészáros, G.; Shakhin, A.; Petrov, S. N.; Medvedev, D.; Kuksin, A.; Bat-Erdene, G.; Munkhtsog, B.; Bagirov, V. A.; Wimmers, K.; Sölkner, J.; Medugorac, I.; Zinovieva, N. A. (2023):
Genome-wide insights into intraspecific taxonomy and genetic diversity of argali (Ovis ammon)
Diversity 15 (5): 627, 1-13
Omotoso, A. O.; Reyer, H.; Oster, M.; Ponsuksili, S.; Wimmers, K. (2023):
Jejunal Microbiota of Broilers fed varying Levels of Mineral Phosphorus
Poultry Sci
Iqbal, M. A.; Hadlich, F.; Reyer, H.; Oster, M.; Trakooljul, N.; Murani, E.; Perdomo-Sabogal, A.; Wimmers, K.; Ponsuksili, S. (2023):
RNA-Seq-based discovery of genetic variants and allele-specific expression of two layer lines and broiler chicken. Evol Appl 16 (6): 1135-1153