PD Dr. med. vet. Harald Michael Hammon
Research interests
- Metabolic and endocrine regulation of growth, development and energy metabolism in cattle
- Dairy nutrition (calf, cow)
Curriculum Vitae
- 04/2004-present:
Senior Scientist and deputy head at the Institute of Nutritional Physiology (“Oskar-Kellner)”, Leibniz Institute for Farm Animal Biology (FBN), Dummerstorf, Germany; Head of the Endocrine Metabolic Regulation Unit - 04/1998-03/2004: Scientist at the Division of Nutrition Pathology, Institute of Animal Breeding, University of Bern, Switzerland
- 12/2003: Habilitation in Animal Physiology at the University of Bern, Venia docendi for Animal Physiology
- 09/2001-05/2002: Residence at the Department of Animal Science, Purdue University, IN, US
- 01/1994-03/1998: Post Doc at the Division of Nutrition Pathology, Institute of Animal Breeding, University of Bern, Switzerland
- 02/1993-12/1993: Veterinary practice (large animals), Feuchtwangen, Germany
- 04/1991-12/1992: Doctoral Thesis at the Division of Nutrition Pathology, Institute of Animal Breeding, University of Bern, Switzerland
- 09.01.1991: Approbation as veterinary doctor
- 1985-1990: Study of veterinary medicine at the Ludwig-Maximilian-University of Munich
Physiology and anatomy in farm animals and metabolic performance at the Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (AUF), University of Rostock
Veshkini, A.; Hammon, H. M.; Vogel, L.; Viala, D.; Delosière, M.; Tröscher, A.; Déjean, S.; Ceciliani, F.; Sauerwein, H.; Bonnet, M. (2024):
The skimmed milk proteome of dairy cows is affected by the stage of lactation and by supplementation with polyunsaturated fatty acids
Scientific Reports 14: 23990, 1-14
Xiao, C.; Albrecht, E.; Dannenberger, D.; Kong, W.; Gu, H.; Hammon, H. M.; Maak, S. (2024):
Effects of Supplementation with Essential Fatty Acids and Conjugated Linoleic Acids on Muscle Structure and Fat Deposition in Lactating Holstein Cows
Agriculture 14: 1720, 1-18
Veshkini, A.; Dengler, F.; Bachmann, L.; Liermann, W.; Helm, C.; Ulrich, R.; Delling, C.; Kühn, C.; Hammon, H. M. (2024):
Cryptosporidium parvum infection alters the intestinal mucosa transcriptome in neonatal calves: implications for immune function
Front Immunol 15:1351427, 1-12
Bachmann, L.; Weber, L.; Liermann, W.; Hammon, H. M.; Delling, C.; Dengler, F.; Schaufler, K.; Schwabe, M.; Eger, E.; Becker, K.; Schütz, A.; Homeier-Bachmann, T. (2024):
Colostrum as a source of ESBL-Escherichia coli in feces of newborn calves
Scientific Reports 14: 9929
Veshkini, A.; Gnott, M.; Vogel, L.; Kröger-Koch, C.; Tuchscherer, A.; Tröscher, A.; Bernabucci, U.; Trevesi, E.; Starke, A.; Mielenz, M.; Bachmann, L.; Hammon, H. M. (2023):
Abomasal infusion of essential fatty acids and conjugated linoleic acid during late pregnancy and early lactation affects immunohematological and oxidative stress markers in dairy cows [epublished ahead of print]. J Dairy Sci
Dengler, F.; Hammon, H. M.; Liermann, W.; Görs, S.; Bachmann, L.; Helm, C.; Ulrich, R; Delling, C. (2023):
Cryptosporidium parvum competes with the intestinal epithelial cells for glucose and impairs systemic glucose supply in neonatal calves. Vet Res 54: 40, 1-16
Liermann, W.; Tümmler, L.-M.; Kuhla, B.; Viergutz, T.; Hammon, H. M. (2023):
Effects of rumen cannulation combined with different pre-weaning feeding intensities on the intestinal splenic thymic immune system in heifer calves several month after surgery. Front Immunol 11: 1160935, 1-14
Veshkini, A.; Ceciliani, F.; Bonnet, M.; Hammon, H. M. (2023):
Review: Effect of essential fatty acids and conjugated linoleic acid on the adaptive physiology of dairy cows during the transition period. Animal 17 (Suppl. 2): 100757, 1-12
Ghaffari, M. H.; Monneret, A.; Hammon, H. M.; Post, W.; Müller, U.; Frieten, D.; Gerbert, C.; Dusel, G.; Koch, C. (2022):
Deep convolutional neural networks for the detection of diarrhea and respiratory disease in pre-weaned dairy calves using data from automated milk feeders. J Dairy Sci 105 (12): 9882-9895
Becker, D.; Heimes, A.; Hadlich, F.; Hammon, H. M.; Meyerholz, M. M.; Petzl, W.; Zerbe, H.; Schuberth, H.-J.; Hoedemaker, M.; Schmicke, M.; Engelmann, S.; Kühn, C. (2022):
Allele-biased expression of the bovine APOB gene associated with the Cholesterol Deficiency defect suggests cis-regulatory enhancer effects of the LTR retrotransposon insertion. Sci Rep-UK 12: 13469, 1-14
Veshkini, A.; Hammon, H. M.; Vogel, L.; Viala, D.; Delosière, M.; Tröscher, A.; Déjean, S; Ceciliani, F.; Sauerwein, H.; Bonnet, M. (2022):
Plasma proteomics reveals crosstalk between lipid metabolism and immunity in dairy cows receiving essential fatty acids and conjugated linoleic acid. Sci Rep-UK 12: 5648, 1-12
Veshkini, A.; Hammon, H. M.; Lazzari, B.; Vogel, L.; Gnott, M.; Tröscher, A.; Vendramin, V.; Sadri, H.; Sauerwein, H.; Ceciliani, F. (2022):
Investigating circulating miRNA in transition dairy cows: What miRNAomics tells about metabolic adaptation. Front Genet 13: 946211, 1-20
Riosa, R.; Ghaffari, M. H.; Hammon, H. M.; Süß, R.; Hoelker, M; Drillich, M.; Parys, C.; Guyader, J.; Sauerwein, H.; Iwersen, M. (2022):
Identification and characterization of dairy cows with different backfat thickness antepartum in relation to BFT loss post partum: A cluster analytic approach. J Dairy Sci 105 (7): 6327-6338
Liermann, W.; Wissing, K. L.; Reyer, H.; Trakooljul, N.; Dannenberger, D.; Tröscher, A.; Hammon, H. M. (2022):
Maternal Conjugated Linoleic Acid Supply in Combination With or Without Essential Fatty Acids During Late Pregnancy and Early Lactation: Investigations on Physico-Chemical Characteristics of the Jejunal Content and Jejunal Microbiota in Neonatal Calves. Front Vet Sci 9: 839860, 1-9
Nolte, W.; Weikard, R.; Albrecht, E.; Hammon, H. M.; Kühn, C. (2022):
Metabogenomic analysis to functionally annotate the regulatory role of long non-coding RNAs in the liver of cows with different nutrient partitioning phenotype. Genomics 114 (1): 202-214
Veshkini, A.; Hammon, H. M.; Sauerwein, H.; Tröscher, A.; Viala, D.; Delosière, M.; Ceciliani, F.; Déjean, S; Bonnet, M. (2022):
Longitudinal liver proteome profiling in dairy cows during the transition from gestation to lactation: Investigating metabolic adaptations and their interactions with fatty acids supplementation via repeated measurements ANOVA-simultaneous component analysis. J Proteomics 252: 104435, 1-15
Veshkini, A.; Hammon, H. M.; Vogel, L.; Delosière, M.; Viala, D.; Déjean, S; Tröscher, A.; Ceciliani, F.; Sauerwein, H.; Bonnet, M. (2022):
Liver proteome profiling in dairy cows during the transition from gestation to lactation: Effects of supplementation with essential fatty acids and conjugated linoleic acids as explored by PLS-DA. J Proteomics 252: 104436, 1-14
Revskij, D.; Haubold, S. S.; Plinski, C.; Viergutz, T.; Tuchscherer, A.; Kröger-Koch, C.; Albrecht, E.; Günther, J.; Tröscher, A.; Hammon, H. M.; Schuberth, H.-J.; Mielenz, M. (2022):
Cellular detection of the chemokine receptor CXCR4 in bovine mammary glands and its distribution and regulation on bovine leukocytes. J Dairy Sci 105 (1): 866-876
Liermann, W.; Uken, K. L.; Schäff, C. T.; Vogel, L.; Gnott, M.; Tuchscherer, A.; Trevisi, E.; Stefaniak, T.; Sauerwein, H.; Tröscher, A.; Hammon, H. M. (2021):
Effects of a Maternal Essential Fatty Acid and Conjugated Linoleic Acid Supplementation during Late Pregnancy and Early Lactation on Hematologic and Immunological Traits and the Oxidative and Anti-Oxidative Status in Blood Plasma of Neonatal Calves. Animals-Basel 11 (8): 2168, 1-23
Uken, K. L.; Vogel, L.; Gnott, M.; Görs, S.; Schäff, C. T.; Tuchscherer, A.; Hoeflich, A.; Weitzel, J. M.; Kanitz, E.; Tröscher, A.; Sauerwein, H.; Zitnan, R.; Bruckmaier, R. M.; Gross, J.; Liermann, W.; Hammon, H. M. (2021):
Effect of maternal supplementation with essential fatty acids and conjugated linoleic acid on metabolic and endocrine development of neonatal calves. J Dairy Sci 104 (6): 7295-7314