Dr. agr. Elke Albrecht
Research interests
- Biology of skeletal muscle tissue in farm animals
- Meat quality in farm animals
- Marbling and intramuscular adipogenesis
- Interactions between muscle and fat cells
Curriculum Vitae
- 2005–present: Scientist, Institute of Muscle Biology and Growth, FBN
- 1998–2005: Post Doc position, Division Medical Biology, Department of Pathology, Medical Faculty, University of Rostock, Germany
- 1992–1998: PhD position, Research Unit Muscle Biology and Growth, FBN
- 1988–1992: Research study, Division of Biotechnology, Technical University of Dresden
- 1988: Graduation (Dip.-Ing.) in Food Engineering and Biotechnology, Technical University of Dresden
- since 2014: Methods for characterization of skeletal muscle tissue,Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, University Rostock (M.Sc.)
Angulo, J.; Mahecha, L.; Nürnberg, K.; Nürnberg, G.; Dannenberger, D.; Olivera, M.; Boutinaud, M.; Leroux, C.; Albrecht, E.; Bernard, L. (2012):
Effects of polyunsaturated fatty acids from plant oils and algae on milk fat yield and composition are associated with mammary lipogenic and SREBF1 gene expression. Animal 6 (12): 1961-1972
Albrecht, E.; Komolka, K.; Kuzinski, J.; Maak, S. (2012):
Agouti revisited: transcript quantification of the ASIP gene in bovine tissues related to protein expression and localization. Plos One 7 (4): 1-11
Setoguchi, K.; Watanabe, T.; Weikard, R.; Albrecht, E.; Kühn, C.; Kinoshita, A.; Sugimoto, Y.; Takasuga, A. (2011):
The SNP c.1326T>G in the non-SMC condensin I complex, subunit G (NCAPG) gene encoding a p.Ile442Met variant is associated with an increase in body frame size at puberty in cattle. Anim Genet 42 (6): 650-655
Albrecht, E.; Gotoh, T.; Ebara, F.; Xu, T.; Viergutz, T.; Nürnberg, G.; Maak, S.; Wegner, J. (2011):
Cellular conditions for intramuscular fat deposition in Japanese Black and Holstein steers. Meat Sci 89 (1): 13-20
Albrecht, E.; Gotoh, T.; Ebara, F.; Wegner, J.; Maak, S. (2011):
Technical note: Determination of cell-specific gene expression in bovine skeletal muscle tissue using laser microdissection and reverse-transcription quantitative polymerase chain reaction. J Anim Sci 89 (12): 4339-4343
Liu, Y.; Wang, J.; Li, R.; Yang, X.; Sun, Q.; Albrecht, E.; Zhao, R. (2011):
Maternal dietary protein affects transcriptional regulation of myostatin gene distinctively at weaning and finishing stages in skeletal muscle of Meishan pigs. Epigenetics-US 6 (7): 899-907
Albrecht, E.; Liu, Y.; Yang, X.; Zhao, R.; Jonas, L.; Maak, S. (2011):
Colocalization of myostatin and decorin in bovine skeletal muscle. Arch Tierzucht 54 (2): 147-156
Kucia, M.; Langhammer, M.; Görs, S.; Albrecht, E.; Hammon, H. M.; Nürnberg, G.; Metges, C. C. (2011):
High-protein diet during gestation and lactation affects mammary gland mRNA abundance, milk composition and pre-weaning litter growth in mice. Animal 5 (2): 268-277
Kuzinski, J.; Zitnan, R.; Viergutz, T.; Albrecht, E.; Schweigel, M. (2010):
Nutrition-dependent adaptation processes in ovine rumen. Schriftenreihe / Leibniz-Institut für Nutztierbiol 16: 31-34
ISSN: 0946-1981
Kühn, C.; Eberlein, A.; Altmaier, E; Suhre, K.; Weinberger, K.; Hammon, H. M.; Albrecht, E.; Pfuhl, R.; Weikard, R. (2010):
Molecular genetic dissection and phenotypic characterization of major Loci affecting pre-and postnatal growth in steers. In: 9th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production (Gesellschaft for Tierzuchtforschung e.V:, Hrsg.) Leipzig (978-3-00-031608-1) (CD):
Weikard, R.; Altmaier, E; Suhre, K.; Weinberger, K.; Hammon, H. M.; Albrecht, E.; Setoguchi, K.; Takasuga, A.; Kühn, C. (2010):
Metabolic profiles indicate distinct physiological pathways affected by two loci with major divergent effect on Bos taurus growth and lipid deposition. Physiol Genomics 42A (2): 79-88
Schönhusen, U.; Flöter, A.; Junghans, P.; Albrecht, E.; Petzke, K.-J.; Zitnan, R.; Guilloteau, P.; Metges, C. C.; Hammon, H. M. (2010):
Morphology, proliferation, and ribonucleic acid and fractional protein syntheses in the small intestinal mucosa of young goats fed soy protein-based diets with or without amino acid supplementation. J Dairy Sci 93 (9): 4165-4179
Lösel, D.; Kremer, P.; Scholz, A. M.; Albrecht, E. (2010):
Comparison of a GE Lunar DPX-IQ and a Norland XR-26 dual energy X-ray absorptiometry scanner for body composition measurements in pigs - in vivo. Arch Tierzucht 53 (2): 162-175
Schnekenburger, J.; Weber, I.; Hahn, D.; Buchwalow, I.; Krüger, B.; Albrecht, E.; Domschke, W.; Lerch, M. (2009):
The role of kinesin, dynein and microtubules in pancreatic secretion. Cell Mol Life Sci 66 (15): 2525-2537
Xu, T.; Albrecht, E.; Viergutz, T.; Nürnberg, G.; Zhao, R.; Wegner, J. (2009):
Perilipin, C/EBPalpha, and C/EBPbeta mRNA abundance in longissimus muscle and different adipose tissues of Holstein and Charolais cattle. Meat Sci 83 (1): 120-126
Gotoh, T.; Albrecht, E.; Teuscher, F.; Kawabata, K.; Sakashita, K.; Iwamoto, H.; Wegner, J. (2009):
Differences in muscle and fat accretion in Japanese Black and Europe cattle. Meat Sci 82 (3): 300-3008
Mao, W. H.; Albrecht, E.; Teuscher, F.; Yang, Q.; Zhao, R.; Wegner, J. (2008):
Growth- and Breed-related Changes of Fetal Development in Cattle. Asian Austral J Anim 21 (5): 640-647
Albrecht, E.; Kolisek, M.; Viergutz, T.; Zitnan, R.; Schweigel, M. (2008):
Molecular identification, immunolocalization, and functional activity of a vacuolar-type H(+)-ATPase in bovine rumen epithelium. J Comp Physiol B 178 (3): 285-295
Lösel, D.; Küchenmeister, U.; Hartung, M.; Nürnberg, G.; Bellmann, O.; Albrecht, E. (2007):
Non-invasive determination of body composition in pigs using a Norland XR-26 bone densitometer. Arch Tierzucht 50 (5): 487-500
Yang, W.; Albrecht, E.; Ender, K.; Zhao, R.; Wegner, J. (2006):
Computer image analysis of intramuscular adipocytes and marbling in the longissimus muscle of cattle . J Anim Sci 84 (12): 3251-3258