Dr. rer. nat. Dirk Dannenberger

Research Institute for Farm Animal Biology (FBN)
Head of service group Metabolomics & Lipidomics
Wilhelm-Stahl-Allee 2
18196 Dummerstorf

Research interests

  • Regulation of lipid metabolism in farm and model animals and (beef, pork, lamb, mice), lipodomics, metabolomics, meat quality
  • Effects of dietary (exogenous PUFAs) and genetic factors on lipid metabolism in farm animals
  • Mechanisms of de novo synthesis of fatty acids in phospholipids and triglycerides
  • Analytics (GC, GC-MS/MS, MALDI TOF MS, Ag+-HPLC, TLC, biochemical assays, micronutrients)

Curriculum Vitae

  • 2018–present: Group leader Lipid metabolism and muscular adaptation Workgroup
  • 2001–present: Scientist, Research Institute for Farm Animal Biology (FBN) Dummerstorf, Unit Function of bioactive lipids
  • 1992–1997: Postdoctoral Researcher, Baltic Sea Research Institute Warnemuende, Rostock
  • 1985–1989: Doctoral studies, Graduation (Dr. rer. nat.), University Rostock
  • 1985: Graduation (Dipl.-Chem.), Inorganic chemistry, University Rostock


  • Since 2012: Fat quality, Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, University of Rostock (M.Sc.)
  • Since 2012: Fat Quality, Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, University of Rostock (B.Sc.)


Dannenberger, D.; Lorenz, S.; Nürnberg, G.; Scollan, N. D.; Ender, K.; Nürnberg, K. (2006):
Analysis of fatty aldehyde composition, including 12-methyltridecanal, in plasmalogens from longissimus muscle of concentrate- and pasture-fed bulls. J Agr Food Chem 54 (1): 182-188
Dannenberger, D.; Nürnberg, K.; Ender, K. (2005):
Impreved nutritional quality of beef by pasture feeding. Landbauforsch Volk 29 (So.Heft): 105-114
Nürnberg, K.; Nürnberg, G.; Ender, K.; Dannenberger, D.; Schabbel, W.; Grumbach, S.; Zupp, W.; Steinhart, H. (2005):
Effect of grass vs. concentrate feeding on the fatty acid profile of different fat depots in lambs. Eur J Lipid Sci Tech 107 (10): 737-745
Dannenberger, D.; Nürnberg, K.; Nürnberg, G.; Scollan, N. D.; Steinhart, H.; Ender, K. (2005):
Effect of pasture vs. concentrate diet on CLA isomer distribution in different tissue lipids of beef cattle. Lipids 40 (6): 589-598
Nürnberg, K.; Dannenberger, D.; Nürnberg, G.; Ender, K.; Voigt, J.; Scollan, N. D.; Wood, J.D.; Nute, G.R.; Richardson, R. I. (2005):
Effect of a grass-based and a concentrate feeding system on meat quality characteristics and fatty acid composition of Longissimus muscle in different cattle breeds. Livest Prod Sci 94 (1): 137-147
Dannenberger, D.; Nürnberg, G.; Scollan, N. D.; Schabbel, W.; Steinhart, H.; Ender, K.; Nürnberg, K. (2004):
Effect of diet on the deposition of n-3 fatty acids, conjugated linoleic and C18:1trans fatty acid isomers in muscle lipids of German Holstein bulls. J Agr Food Chem 52 (21): 6607-6615
Nürnberg, K.; Dannenberger, D.; Ender, K. (2004):
Fleisch - wertvoller durch Anreicherung mit n-3-Fettsäuren. Ernahrungs-Umschau 51 (10): 409-413
Nürnberg, K.; Ender, K.; Lorenz, S.; Dannenberger, D. (2004):
Gras - wertvoller Futterstoff. Fleischrinder Journal 2: 18-19
Dannenberger, D.; Lerz, A. (2003):
Organochlorines in surface sediments and cores of the Western Baltic and inner coastal waters of mecklenburg-West Pomerania. ICES Coop. Res. Report 257: 90-95
Eidam, J.; Bachor, A.; Dannenberger, D. (2000):
Zum Schwebstofftransport im westlichen Oderästuar - Haupteintragspfad für Schadstoffe? Bodden 9: 87-95
Dannenberger, D.; Lerz, A. (1999):
Occurence and transport of organic micro-contaminants in sediments of the Odra river estuarine system. Acta Hydrochim. Hydrobiol. 27: 303-307
Dannenberger, D.; Lerz, A. (1998):
Chlorierte Kohlenwasserstoffe in Sedimenten der Boddengewässer Mecklenburg-Vorpommerns. Bodden 6: 91-107
Dannenberger, D.; Lerz, A. (1998):
Chlorinated hydrocarbons in river sediments of Mecklenburg-West Pomerania - patterns, levels, and regional distribution. Acta hydrochimica et hydrobiologica 26: 263-271
Dannenberger, D. (1998):
PCB und Organochlorpestizide im Wasser der Ostsee - "Contamination" oder "Pollution"? : the distribution of PCBs and organochlorine pesticides in the Baltic Sea. Wasser Boden 50: 31-36"
Dannenberger, D.; Witt, G.; Lerz, A.; Trost, E. (1997):
Organische Schadstoffbelastung in Sedimenten des westlichen Oderästuars und dessen  vorpommerschen Zuflüssen. Wasser Boden 49: 22-28
Dannenberger, D.; Anderson, R.; Rappe, C. (1997):
Levels and patterns of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, dibenzofurans and biphenyls in surface sediments from the Western Baltic Sea (Arkona Basin) and the Oder River estuarine system. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 34: 1016-1024
Dannenberger, D.; Lerz, A. (1996):
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) and organochlorine pesticides in sediments of the Baltic and coastal waters of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Dtsch. Hydrogr. Z. 48: 5-26
Dannenberger, D. (1996):
Chlorinated microcontaminants in surface sediments of the Baltic Sea - investigations in the Belt Sea, the Arkona Sea and the Pomeranian Bight. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 32: 772-781
Dannenberger, D. (1996):
Ostseewasser - Analytik im Subspurenbereich: T. 2. Chemie in Labor und Biotechnik 47: 16-19
Dannenberger, D.; Lerz, A. (1995):
The distribution of selected chlorinated microcontaminants in Baltic waters, 1992 to 1994. Dtsch. Hydrogr. Z. 47: 301-311