Dr. rer. nat. Dirk Dannenberger
Research interests
- Regulation of lipid metabolism in farm and model animals and (beef, pork, lamb, mice), lipodomics, metabolomics, meat quality
- Effects of dietary (exogenous PUFAs) and genetic factors on lipid metabolism in farm animals
- Mechanisms of de novo synthesis of fatty acids in phospholipids and triglycerides
- Analytics (GC, GC-MS/MS, MALDI TOF MS, Ag+-HPLC, TLC, biochemical assays, micronutrients)
Curriculum Vitae
- 2018–present: Group leader Lipid metabolism and muscular adaptation Workgroup
- 2001–present: Scientist, Research Institute for Farm Animal Biology (FBN) Dummerstorf, Unit Function of bioactive lipids
- 1992–1997: Postdoctoral Researcher, Baltic Sea Research Institute Warnemuende, Rostock
- 1985–1989: Doctoral studies, Graduation (Dr. rer. nat.), University Rostock
- 1985: Graduation (Dipl.-Chem.), Inorganic chemistry, University Rostock
- Since 2012: Fat quality, Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, University of Rostock (M.Sc.)
- Since 2012: Fat Quality, Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, University of Rostock (B.Sc.)
Schiavon, S.; Cecchinato, A.; Pegolo, S.; Dannenberger, D.; Tagliapietra, F.; Bittante, G. (2019):
Dose response of rumen-protected conjugated linoleic acid supplementation to fattening bulls and heifers on growth, and carcass and meat quality. J Anim Physiol An N 103: 997-1005
Sharma, A.; Baddela, V. S.; Becker, D.; Dannenberger, D.; Viergutz, T.; Vanselow, J. (2019):
Elevated free fatty acids affect bovine granulosa cell function: a molecular cue for compromised reproduction during negative energy balance. Endocr Connect 8 (5): 493-505
Möller, R.; Dannenberger, D.; Nürnberg, G.; Strucken, E.-M.; Brockmann, G. A. (2019):
Relationship between fatty acid profile of hair and energy availability of lactating primiparous cows. J Dairy Res 86 (1): 77-84
Kalbe, C.; Priepke, A.; Nürnberg, G.; Dannenberger, D. (2019):
Effects of long-term microalgae supplementation on muscle microstructure, meat quality, and fatty acid composition in growing pigs. J Anim Physiol An N 103 (2): 574-582
Möller, R.; Dannenberger, D.; Nürnberg, G.; Ruth, W.; Brockmann, G. A. (2018):
Untersuchung zur standardisierten Analyse von Fettsäuren im Rinderhaar. In: Abschlussveranstaltung Verbundprojekt optiKuh, 30. - 31.01.2018 : Tagungsband (Schriftenreihe der Bayerischen Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft) (ISSN 1611-4159): 130-132
Reyer, H.; Oster, M.; Magowan, E.; Muráni, E.; Sauerwein, H.; Dannenberger, D.; Kuhla, B.; Ponsuksili, S.; Wimmers, K. (2018):
Feed-efficient pigs exhibit molecular patterns allowing a timely circulation of hormones and nutrients. Physiol Genomics 50 (9): 726-734
Dannenberger, D.; Tuchscherer, M.; Nürnberg, G.; Schmicke, M.; Kanitz, E. (2018):
Sea buckthorn pomace supplementation in the diet of growing pigs - effects on fatty acid metabolism, HPA activity and immune status. Int J Mol Sci 19 (2): 596, 1-12
Reyer, H.; Oster, M.; Magowan, E.; Dannenberger, D.; Ponsuksili, S.; Wimmers, K. (2017):
Strategies towards improved feed efficiency in pigs comprise molecular shifts in hepatic lipid and carbohydrate metabolism. Int J Mol Sci 18 (8): 1674, 1-15
Engel, K. M.; Schiller, J.; Müller, K.; Dannenberger, D.; Jakop, U. (2017):
The phospholipid composition of kangaroo spermatozoa verified by mass spectrometric lipid analysis. Lipids 52 (10): 857-869
MacKintosh, S.; Richardson, I.; Kim, EJ; Dannenberger, D.; Coulmier, D.; Scollan, N. D. (2017):
Addition of an extract of lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) to cattle diets - Effects on fatty acid profile, meat quality and eating quality of the M. longissimus muscle. Meat Sci 130: 69-80
Meusel, A.; Popkova, Y.; Dannenberger, D.; Schiller, J. (2017):
A high-resolution NMR approach combined to MALDI-TOF-MS to estimate the positional distribution of acyl-linked unsaturated fatty acids in triacylglycerols. Food Anal Method 10 (7): 2497-2506
Dannenberger, D.; Nürnberg, G.; Nürnberg, K.; Will, K.; Schauer, N.; Schmicke, M. (2017):
Effects of diets supplemented with n-3 or n-6 PUFA on pig muscle lipid metabolites measured by non-targeted LC-MS lipidomic profiling. J Food Compos Anal 56: 47-54
Schiavon, S.; Pellattiero, E.; Cecchinato, A.; Tagliapietra, F.; Dannenberger, D.; Nürnberg, K.; Nürnberg, G.; Bittante, G. (2016):
The influence of different sample preparation procedures on the determination of fatty acid profiles of beef subcutaneous fat, liver and muscle by gas chromatography. J Food Compos Anal 50: 10-18
Nürnberg, K.; Nürnberg, G.; Priepke, A.; Dannenberger, D. (2015):
Sea buckthorn pomace supplementation in the finishing diets of pigs - are there effects on meat quality and muscle fatty acids?. Arch Tierzucht 58 (1): 107-113
Popkova, Y.; Meusel, A.; Breitfeld, J.; Schleinitz, D.; Hirrlinger, J.; Dannenberger, D.; Kovacs, P.; Schiller, J. (2015):
Nutrition-dependent changes of mouse adipose tissue compositions monitored by NMR, MS, and chromatographic methods. Anal Bioanal Chem 407 (17): 5113-5123
Gallardo, M. A.; Cárcamo, J. G.; Hiller, B.; Nürnberg, G.; Nürnberg, K.; Dannenberger, D. (2015):
Expression of lipid metabolism related genes in subcutaneous adipose tissue from Chilota lambs grazing on two different pasture types. Eur J Lipid Sci Tech 117 (1): 23-30
Dannenberger, D.; Nürnberg, K.; Nürnberg, G.; Priebke, A. (2014):
Impact of dietary protein level and source of polyunsaturated fatty acids on lipid metabolism-related protein expression and fatty acid concentrations in porcine tissues. J Agr Food Chem 62 (51): 12453-12461
Eibisch, M.; Popkova, Y.; Süß, R.; Schiller, J.; Dannenberger, D. (2014):
Evaluation of a commercial enzymatic test kit regarding the quantitative analysis of different free fatty acids. Anal Bioanal Chem 406 (28): 7401-7405
Gallardo, M. A.; Dannenberger, D.; Rivero, J.; Pulido, R.; Nürnberg, K. (2014):
Fatty acid profile of plasma, muscle and adipose tissues in Chilota lambs grazing on two different low quality pasture types in Chiloé Archipelago (Chile). Anim Sci J 85 (11): 935-941
Dannenberger, D. (2014):
ProSafeBeef - Sicherheit und Qualität bei Rindfleisch. Fleischrinder Journal (2): 6-8