PD Dr. rer. nat. habil. Björn Kuhla

Research Institute for Farm Animal Biology (FBN)
Head of working group Nutritional Biochemistry
Wilhelm-Stahl-Allee 2
18196 Dummerstorf

Research interests

  • Neuronal and metabolic control of feed intake
  • Links between feed efficiency, diet and methane production
  • Metabolic adaptation to environmental heat

Curriculum Vitae

  • 2013-present: Director of 'Fuel Sensing Unit', Leibniz Institute for Farm Animal Biology (FBN) Dummerstorf, Institute of Nutritional Physiology "Oskar Kellner"
  • 2009-2012: Leader of Junior Research Group „Feed Intake Regulation“, Leibniz Institute for Farm Animal Biology (FBN) Dummerstorf
  • 2006-present: Scientist at the Institute of Nutritional Physiology “Oskar Kellner”, Leibniz Institute for Farm Animal Biology (FBN) Dummerstorf
  • Habilitation and venia legendi in Biochemistry
  • Post Doc at the Agricultural Research Centre of the Bayer AG Monheim, University of Leipzig, and Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland
  • Diploma and Doctoral Degree in Chemistry
  • Secondary education and apprenticeship for animal production


  • Anatomic-Physiological Basics and Methods in Animal Nutrition
  • Metabolism and performance physiology
  • Practical Course “Isolation of RNA from plant leaves”


Danesh Mesgaran, S.; Weisbjerg, M.; Bach, A.; Salau, J.; Haas, J. H.; Junge, W.; Thaller, G.; Kuhla, B. (2021):
Bodyweight, body condition and anatomy. In: Methods in cattle physiology and behaviour research - Recommendations from the SmartCow consortium (Sadjad Danesh Mesgaran, René Baumont, Lene Munksgaard, David Humphries, Emer Kennedy, Jan Dijkstra, Richard Dewhurst, Holly Ferguson, Marta Terré and Björn Kuhla, Hrsg.) Publisso, Cologne: 1-10
https://doi.org/ 10.5680/mcpb001
Danesh Mesgaran, S.; Kuhla, B.; O`Donovan, M.; Schön, P.- C.; Röttgen, V. (2021):
Reproductive Assessment. In: Methods in cattle physiology and behaviour research - Recommendations from the SmartCow consortium (Sadjad Danesh Mesgaran, René Baumont, Lene Munksgaard, David Humphries, Emer Kennedy, Jan Dijkstra, Richard Dewhurst, Holly Ferguson, Marta Terré and Björn Kuhla, Hrsg.) Publisso, Cologne: 1-7
Bobrowski, A.; Derno, M.; Kuhla, B.; Hagenkamp-Korth, F.; Hasler, M.; Hartung, J. (2021):
Investigating the chronological reduction potential of a urease inhibitor in respiration chambers. Biosyst Eng 204: 147-155
Vibart, R.; de Klein, C.; Jonker, A.; van der Weerden, T.; Bannik, A.; Bayat, A. R.; Crompton, L.; Durand, A.; Eugene, M.; Klumpp, K.; Kuhla, B.; Lanigan, G.; Lund, P.; Ramin, M.; Salazar, F. (2021):
Challenges and opportunities to capture dietary effects in on-farm greenhouse gas emissions models of ruminant systems. Sci Total Environ 769: 144989, 1-12
Müller, C. B. M.; Görs, S.; Derno, M.; Tuchscherer, A.; Wimmers, K.; Zeyner, A.; Kuhla, B. (2021):
Differences between Holstein dairy cows in renal clearance rate of urea affect milk urea concentration and the relationship between milk urea and urinary nitrogen excretion. Sci Total Environ 755 (Pt 2): 143198, 1-12
Danesh Mesgaran, S.; Baumont, R.; Munksgaard, L.; Humphries, D.; Kennedy, E.; Dijkstra, J.; Dewhurst, R.; Ferguson, H.; Terré, M.; Kuhla, B. (2020):
Methods in cattle physiology and behaviour research - Recommendations from the SmartCow consortium Publisso, Cologne: getrennte Zählung
Danesh Mesgaran, S.; Derno, M.; Kuhla, B.; Beauchemin, K.; Martin, C.; Hellwing, A. L. F.; Lund, H.; Miller, G.; Humphries, D.; Heetkamp, M. (2020):
Respiratory chamber facility. In: Methods in cattle physiology and behaviour research - Recommendations from the SmartCow consortium (Sadjad Danesh Mesgaran, René Baumont, Lene Munksgaard, David Humphries, Emer Kennedy, Jan Dijkstra, Richard Dewhurst, Holly Ferguson, Marta Terré and Björn Kuhla, Hrsg.) Publisso, Cologne: 1-4
Danesh Mesgaran, S.; Hellwing, A. L. F.; Lund, H.; Derno, M.; Kuhla, B.; Heetkamp, M.; Miller, G.; Humphries, D.; Anglard, F.; Rochette, Y.; Martin, C.; Gardiner, T.; Coleman, M. (2020):
The gas recovery test of respiratory chambers. In: Methods in cattle physiology and behaviour research - Recommendations from the SmartCow consortium (Sadjad Danesh Mesgaran, René Baumont, Lene Munksgaard, David Humphries, Emer Kennedy, Jan Dijkstra, Richard Dewhurst, Holly Ferguson, Marta Terré and Björn Kuhla, Hrsg.) Publisso, Cologne: 1-6
Danesh Mesgaran, S.; Pomies, D.; Röttgen, V.; Kuhla, B.; Nüske, S.; Bach, A.; Scholz, A. M. (2020):
Milk intake, body anatomy and composition in calves. In: Methods in cattle physiology and behaviour research - Recommendations from the SmartCow consortium (Sadjad Danesh Mesgaran, René Baumont, Lene Munksgaard, David Humphries, Emer Kennedy, Jan Dijkstra, Richard Dewhurst, Holly Ferguson, Marta Terré and Björn Kuhla, Hrsg.) Publisso, Cologne: 1-14
Danesh Mesgaran, S.; Kuhla, B.; Baumont, R.; Cantalapiedra-Hijar, G.; Noziére, P.; Lund, H.; Humphries, D.; Dijkstra, J. (2020):
Nutrient digestibility and balance studies. In: Methods in cattle physiology and behaviour research - Recommendations from the SmartCow consortium (Sadjad Danesh Mesgaran, René Baumont, Lene Munksgaard, David Humphries, Emer Kennedy, Jan Dijkstra, Richard Dewhurst, Holly Ferguson, Marta Terré and Björn Kuhla, Hrsg.) Publisso, Cologne: 1-9
Danesh Mesgaran, S.; Kuhla, B.; Langbein, J. (2020):
Stress and health management. In: Methods in cattle physiology and behaviour research - Recommendations from the SmartCow consortium (Sadjad Danesh Mesgaran, René Baumont, Lene Munksgaard, David Humphries, Emer Kennedy, Jan Dijkstra, Richard Dewhurst, Holly Ferguson, Marta Terré and Björn Kuhla, Hrsg.) PUBLISSO, Cologne: 1-5
Danesh Mesgaran, S.; Kuhla, B.; Dineen, M.; Silberberg, M. (2020):
Ruminal pH. In: Methods in cattle physiology and behaviour research - Recommendations from the SmartCow consortium (Sadjad Danesh Mesgaran, René Baumont, Lene Munksgaard, David Humphries, Emer Kennedy, Jan Dijkstra, Richard Dewhurst, Holly Ferguson, Marta Terré and Björn Kuhla, Hrsg.) Publisso, Cologne: 1
Muizelaar, W.; Bani, P.; Kuhla, B.; Larsen, M.; Tapio, I.; Yáñez-Ruiz, D.; van Gastelen, S. (2020):
Rumen fluid sampling via oral stomach tubing method . In: Methods in cattle physiology and behaviour research - Recommendations from the SmartCow consortium (Sadjad Danesh Mesgaran, René Baumont, Lene Munksgaard, David Humphries, Emer Kennedy, Jan Dijkstra, Richard Dewhurst, Holly Ferguson, Marta Terré and Björn Kuhla, Hrsg.) Publisso, Cologne: 1-6
Dineen, M.; Mitchell, M.; Kuhla, B.; Danesh Mesgaran, S. (2020):
Body temperature and thermal imaging. In: Methods in cattle physiology and behaviour research - Recommendations from the SmartCow consortium (Sadjad Danesh Mesgaran, René Baumont, Lene Munksgaard, David Humphries, Emer Kennedy, Jan Dijkstra, Richard Dewhurst, Holly Ferguson, Marta Terré and Björn Kuhla, Hrsg.) Publisso, Cologne: 1-6
Danesh-Mesgaran, S.; Kuhla, B.; Humphries, D.; Weisbjerg, M.; Lund, H.; Kennedy, E.; O`Donovan, M.; Liddane, M.; Galvin, N.; Dijkstra, J.; Baumont, R. (2020):
Feed and water intake. In: Methods in cattle physiology and behaviour research - Recommendations from the SmartCow consortium (Sadjad Danesh Mesgaran, René Baumont, Lene Munksgaard, David Humphries, Emer Kennedy, Jan Dijkstra, Richard Dewhurst, Holly Ferguson, Marta Terré and Björn Kuhla, Hrsg.) Publisso, Cologne: 1-11
Hoffmann, G.; Herbut, P.; Pinto, S.; Heinicke, J.; Kuhla, B.; Amon, T. (2020):
Animal-related, non-invasive indicators for determining heat stress in dairy cows. Biosyst Eng 199: 83-96
Sandberg, L.; Thaller, G.; Görs, S.; Kuhla, B.; Metges, C. C.; Krattenmacher, N. (2020):
The relationship between methane emission and day time-dependent fecal archaeol concentration in lactating dairy cows fed two different diets. ARCH ANIM BREED 63: 211-218
Eslamizad, M.; Albrecht, D.; Kuhla, B. (2020):
The effect of chronic, mild heat stress on metabolic changes of nutrition and adaptations in rumen papillae of lactating dairy cows. J Dairy Sci 103 (9): 8601-8614
Tümmler, L.-M.; Derno, M.; Röttgen, V.; Vernunft, A.; Tuchscherer, A.; Wolf, P.; Kuhla, B. (2020):
Effects of 2 colostrum and subsequent milk replacer feeding intensities on methane production, rumen development, and performance in young calves. J Dairy Sci 103 (7): 6054-6069
Danesh-Mesgaran, S.; Eggert, A.; Höckels, P.; Derno, M.; Kuhla, B. (2020):
The use of milk Fourier transform mid-infrared spectra and milk yield to estimate heat production as a measure of efficiency of dairy cows. J Anim Sci Biotechno 11: 43, 1-9