Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Birger Puppe

Research Institute for Farm Animal Biology (FBN)
Head of Competence area Behaviour and Husbandary
Head of working group Animal Behaviour & Welfare
Wilhelm-Stahl-Allee 2
18196 Dummerstorf

Research interests

  • Behavioural Biology and Animal Welfare of Applied Animals:
    • Social behaviour and stress physiology
    • Learning behaviour, cognition and emotion
    • Bioacoustics and acoustic communication
    • Theory and methodology in applied ethology

Curriculum Vitae

  • 2014-present: Head of the Institute of Behavioural Physiology, Leibniz Institute for Farm Animal Biology (FBN) Dummerstorf
  • 2011-present: University Professor for Behavioural Sciences at the University of Rostock (joint professorship with the FBN Dummerstorf)
  • 2009-present: Head of the Group/Department of Applied Ethology, Leibniz Institute for Farm Animal Biology (FBN) Dummerstorf
  • 2008: Habilitation (Dr. rer. nat. habil.) at the Justus Liebig University Giessen
  • 1993: Doctor of Natural Sciences (Dr. rer. nat. in Behavioural Biology) at the Humboldt-University Berlin
  • 1989-present: Research Scientist, Leibniz Institute for Farm Animal Biology (FBN) Dummerstorf
  • 1989: Graduation in Biology (Dipl.-Biol.) at the Humboldt-University Berlin
  • 1984-1989: Study of Biology (behavioural science and physiology)


  • Principles of behavioural biology (BSc), Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, University of Rostock
  • Principles of livestock ethology and animal welfare (MSc), Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, University of Rostock
  • Expert systems in animal welfare (MSc), Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, University of Rostock


Kanitz, E.; Tuchscherer, M.; Puppe, B.; Tuchscherer, A.; Stabenow, B. (2004):
Consequences of repeated early isolation in domestic piglets (Sus scrofa) on their behavioural, neuroendocrine, and immunological responses. Brain Behav Immun 18 (1): 35-45
Kanitz, E.; Tuchscherer, M.; Puppe, B. (2003):
Einfluss von psychosozialem Stress beim Saugferkel auf Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden. 9. Bernburger Biotechnik-Workshop, 16.-17. 2003. Wissenschaftliche Beiträge Hochschule Anhalt (FH) : 67-71
Schön, P.-Ch.; Puppe, B.; Manteuffel, G. (2003):
A neural network for the analysis and monitoring of stress calls. In: Precision Livestock Farming (S. Cox, Hrsg.) Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen: 143-148
Puppe, B. (2003):
Stressbewältigung und Wohlbefinden - verhaltensphysiologische Ansatzpunkte einer Gesundheitssicherung bei Tieren. Arch Tierzucht 46 (So.Heft): 52-56
Puppe, B.; Schön, P.-Ch.; Tuchscherer, A.; Manteuffel, G. (2003):
The influence of domestic piglets' ( Sus scrofa ) age and test experience on the preference for the replayed maternal nursing vocalisation in a modified open-field test. Acta Ethol 5 (2): 123-129
Schön, P.-Ch.; Manteuffel, G.; Puppe, B. (2003):
"Notrufsäule" für Schweine. DLZ-Agrarmagazin 54 (1): 122"
Ernst, K.; Puppe, B.; Tuchscherer, M.; Schoppmeyer, A.; Manteuffel, G. (2003):
Effekte einer Muskelschussbiopsie auf Parameter der humoralen und zellvermittelten Immunität beim Schwein. Deut tierarztl Woch 110 (1): 10-14
Puppe, B. (2002):
Die Entwicklung der Beziehung zwischen Sau und Ferkel beim Hausschwein - Eine soziobiologische Betrachtung. Berl Munch Tierarztl 115: 445-452
Schön, P.-Ch.; Puppe, B.; Manteuffel, G. (2002):
Beurteilung der Stressbelastung bei der Kastration von Ferkeln mittels Vokalisationserkennung durch ein künstliches neuronales Netzwerk. In: Proc. Tagung FG "Tierschutzrecht" und "Tierzucht, Erbpathologie und Haustiergenetik" der DVG, 7.-9. März 2002, Nürtingen Verlag der DVG, Gießen: 61-69"
Otten, W.; Puppe, B.; Kanitz, E.; Schön, P.-Ch.; Stabenow, B. (2002):
Physiological and behavioral effects of different success during social confrontation in pigs with prior dominance experience. Physiol Behav 75 (1-2): 127-133
Schön, P.-Ch.; Puppe, B.; Manteuffel, G. (2001):
Linear prediction coding analysis and self-organizing feature map as tools to classify stress calls of domestic pigs (Sus scrofa). J Acoust Soc Am 110 (3): 1425-1431
Schön, P.-Ch.; Puppe, B.; Manteuffel, G. (2000):
Classification of stress calls of the domestic pig (Sus scrofa) using LPC-Analysis and a self organizing neuronal network. Arch. Tierz. 43 (Sonderheft): 177-183. Arch Tierzucht :
Manteuffel, G.; Puppe, B. (2000):
Animal well-being in husbandry and coping with stress: Introductory remarks. Arch Tierzucht 43 (So.Heft): 140-143
Puppe, B.; Tuchscherer, A. (2000):
The development of suckling frequency in pigs from birth to weaning of their piglets: A sociobiological approach. Anim Sci 71 (2): 273-279
Tuchscherer, M.; Puppe, B.; Tuchscherer, A.; Tiemann, U. (2000):
Early identification of neonates at risk: Traits of newborn piglets with respect to survival. Theriogenology 54 (3): 371-388
Puppe, B.; Tuchscherer, A. (1999):
Developmental and territorial aspects of suckling behaviour in the domestic pig (Sus scrofa f. domestica). J Zool 249 (3): 307-314
Puppe, B.; Schön, P.-Ch.; Wendland, K. (1999):
Monitoring of piglets' open field activity and choice behaviour during the replay of maternal vocalization: a comparison between Observer and PID technique. Lab Anim 33: 215-220
Tuchscherer, M.; Puppe, B.; Manteuffel, G. (1999):
Der Einfluss des Neumischens von Schweinegruppen auf das Immunsystem dominanter und subordinater Individuen. In: Kriterien der Nachhaltigkeit in der Verfahrensentwicklung für die Nutztierhaltung. Bornimer Agrartechnische Berichte (22): 112-116
Otten, W.; Puppe, B.; Kanitz, E.; Schön, P.-Ch.; Stabenow, B. (1999):
Effects of dominance and familiarity on behaviour and plasma stress hormones in growing pigs during social confrontation. J Vet Med A 46 (5): 277-292
Schön, P.-Ch.; Puppe, B.; Gromyko, T.; Manteuffel, G. (1999):
Common features and individual differences in nurse grunting of domestic pigs (Sus scrofa): A multi-parametric analysis. Behaviour 136 (1): 49-66