Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Birger Puppe

Research Institute for Farm Animal Biology (FBN)
Head of Competence area Behaviour and Husbandary
Head of working group Animal Behaviour & Welfare
Wilhelm-Stahl-Allee 2
18196 Dummerstorf

Research interests

  • Behavioural Biology and Animal Welfare of Applied Animals:
    • Social behaviour and stress physiology
    • Learning behaviour, cognition and emotion
    • Bioacoustics and acoustic communication
    • Theory and methodology in applied ethology

Curriculum Vitae

  • 2014-present: Head of the Institute of Behavioural Physiology, Leibniz Institute for Farm Animal Biology (FBN) Dummerstorf
  • 2011-present: University Professor for Behavioural Sciences at the University of Rostock (joint professorship with the FBN Dummerstorf)
  • 2009-present: Head of the Group/Department of Applied Ethology, Leibniz Institute for Farm Animal Biology (FBN) Dummerstorf
  • 2008: Habilitation (Dr. rer. nat. habil.) at the Justus Liebig University Giessen
  • 1993: Doctor of Natural Sciences (Dr. rer. nat. in Behavioural Biology) at the Humboldt-University Berlin
  • 1989-present: Research Scientist, Leibniz Institute for Farm Animal Biology (FBN) Dummerstorf
  • 1989: Graduation in Biology (Dipl.-Biol.) at the Humboldt-University Berlin
  • 1984-1989: Study of Biology (behavioural science and physiology)


  • Principles of behavioural biology (BSc), Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, University of Rostock
  • Principles of livestock ethology and animal welfare (MSc), Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, University of Rostock
  • Expert systems in animal welfare (MSc), Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, University of Rostock


Meyer, S.; Puppe, B.; Langbein, J. (2010):
Kognitive Umweltanreichung bei Zoo- und Nutztieren - Implikationen für Verhalten und Wohlbefinden der Tiere. Berl Munch Tierarztl 123 (11/12): 446-456
Hameister, T.; Puppe, B.; Tuchscherer, M.; Kanitz, E. (2010):
Einfluss des Absetzalters von Ferkeln auf verhaltensbiologische und physiologische Reaktionen - eine Literaturübersicht. Berl Munch Tierarztl 123 (1/2): 11-19
Tuchscherer, M.; Kanitz, E.; Puppe, B.; Tuchscherer, A. (2010):
Altered immunomodulation by glucocorticoids in neonatal pigs exposed to a psychosocial stressor. Pediatr Res 68 (6): 473-478
Kalbe, C.; Puppe, B. (2010):
Long-term cognitive enrichment affects opioid receptor expression in the amygdala of doemstic pigs. Genes Brain Behav 9 (1): 75-83
Tuchscherer, M.; Kanitz, E.; Puppe, B.; Tuchscherer, A.; Viegutz, T. (2009):
Changes in endocrine and immune responses of neonatal pigs exposed to a psychosocial stressor. Res Vet Sci 87 (3): 380-388
Kanitz, E.; Puppe, B.; Tuchscherer, M.; Heberer, M.; Viegutz, T.; Tuchscherer, A. (2009):
A single exposure to social isolation in domestic piglets activates behavioural arousal, neuroendocrine stress hormones, and stress-related gene expression in the brain. Physiol Behav 98 (1-2): 176-185
Manteuffel, G.; Langbein, J.; Puppe, B. (2009):
Increasing farm animal welfare by positively motivated instrumental behaviour . Appl Anim Behav Sci 118 (3-4): 191-198
Manteuffel, G.; Langbein, J.; Puppe, B. (2009):
From operant learning to cognitive enrichment in farm animal housing: bases and applicability. Anim Welfare 18 (1): 87-95
Couret, D.; Otten, W.; Puppe, B.; Prunier, Armelle; Merlot, E. (2009):
Behavioural, endocrine and immune responses to repeated social stress in pregnant gilts. Animal 3 (1): 118-127
Puppe, B. (2008):
Ethophysiologische Untersuchungen zum Sozialverhalten beim Hausschwein am Beispiel von Mutter-Nachkommen- und sozialen Dominanzbeziehungen. Habilitationsschrift, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen :
Zebunke, M.; Puppe, B.; Langbein, J.; Manteuffel, G. (2008):
Lernverhalten und affektive Reaktionen von Schweinen bei Fütterung mittels eines akustisch-aufrufenden, automatischen Fütterungssystems . In: Aktuelle Arbeiten zur artgemäßen Tierhaltung 2008 (KTBL Schrift , 471) KTBL, Darmstadt (978-3-939371-73-1): 37-46
Siebert, K.; Langbein, J.; Puppe, B.; Schön, P.-Ch.; Tuchscherer, A. (2008):
Einfluss verschiedener Isolationsintensitäten auf das Verhalten und die Vokalisation von Zwergziegen (Capra hircus).. In: Aktuelle Arbeiten zur artgemäßen Tierhaltung 2008 (KTBL Schrift , 471) KTBL, Darmstadt (978-3-939371-73-1): 182-191
Düpjan, S.; Schön, P.-Ch.; Puppe, B.; Tuchscherer, A.; Manteuffel, G. (2008):
Differential vocal responses to physical and mental stressors in domestic pigs (Sus scrofa). Appl Anim Behav Sci 114 (1-2): 105-115
Puppe, B.; Meunier-Salaün, M.C.; Otten, W.; Orgeur, P. (2008):
The welfare of piglets.. In: Welfare of Pigs (L. Faucitanio & A.L. Schaefer, Hrsg.) Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen (978-90-8686-066-1): 97-132
Puppe, B.; Langbein, J.; Bauer, J.; Hoy, St. (2008):
A comparative view on social hierarchy formation at different stages of pig production using sociometric measures. LIVEST SCI 113 (2): 155-162
Puppe, B.; Langbein, J.; Bauer, J.; Hoy, St. (2007):
A comparative view on social hierarchy formation at different stages of pig production using sociometric measures. Livest Prod Sci 113 (2): 155-162
Puppe, B.; Ernst, K.; Schön, P.-Ch.; Manteuffel, G. (2007):
Cognitive enrichment affects behavioral reactivity in domestic pigs. Appl Anim Behav Sci 105 (1): 75-86
Couret, D.; Prunier, Armelle; Otten, W.; Puppe, B.; Meunier-Salaün, Marie-Christine; Mounier, Anne-Marie; Lefebvre, Michel; Merlot, E. (2007):
Conséquences d'une instabilité sociale chronique sur le bien-être des truies gestantes: réponses comportementales, endocriniennes et immunitaires. Journées de la Recherche Porcine 39: 63-68
Otten, W.; Kanitz, E.; Tuchscherer, M.; Puppe, B.; Nürnberg, G. (2007):
Repeated administrations of adrenocorticotropic hormone during gestation in gilts: Effects on growth, behaviour and immune responses of their piglets. Livest Prod Sci 106: 261-270
Schön, P.-Ch.; Hämel, Kathrina; Puppe, B.; Tuchscherer, A.; Kanitz, W.; Manteuffel, G. (2007):
Altered vocalization rate during the estrous cycle in dairy cattle. J Dairy Sci 90 (1): 202-206