PD Dr. med. vet. habil. Andreas Vernunft

Research Institute for Farm Animal Biology (FBN)
Head of Working group Animal Husbandry & Health
Wilhelm-Stahl-Allee 2
18196 Dummerstorf


Baddela, V. S.; Koczan, D.; Viergutz, T.; Vernunft, A.; Vanselow, J. (2018):
Global gene expression analysis indicates that small luteal cells are involved in extracellular matrix modulation and immune cell recruitment in the bovine corpus luteum. Mol Cell Endocrinol 474: 201-213
Vernunft, A.; Sielhorst, J. (2017):
Embryotransfer und assoziierte Techniken beim Pferd: Stand und Perspektiven. Pferde.Spiegel 20 (3): 113-117
Zeyner, A.; Romanowski, K.; Orgis, A.; Vernunft, A.; Gottschalk, J.; Einspanier, A.; Koeller, G.; Wensch-Dorendorf, M. (2017):
Feed intake patterns and immediate glycaemic and insulinaemic responses of horses following ingestion of different quantities of starch from oat, barley and grains. open nutr j 11 (1): 39-51
Zeyner, A.; Romanowski, K.; Vernunft, A.; Harris, P.; Müller, A.-M.; Wolf, C.; Kienzle, E. (2017):
Effects of different oral doses of sodium chloride on the basal acid-base and mineral status of exercising horses fed low amounts of hay. Plos One 12 (1): e0168325, 1-15
Daş, G.; Vernunft, A.; Görs, S.; Kanitz, E.; Weitzel, J. M.; Brüssow, K.-P.; Metges, C. C. (2016):
Acute effects of general anesthesia with propofol, pentobarbital or isoflurane plus propofol on plasma metabolites and hormones in adult pigs. J Anim Sci 94 (12): 5182-5191
Vanselow, J.; Vernunft, A.; Koczan, D.; Spitschak, M.; Kuhla, B. (2016):
Exposure of lactating dairy cows to acute pre-ovulatory heat stress affects granulosa cell-specific gene expression profiles in dominant follicles. Plos One 11 (8): e0160600, 1-19
Daş, G.; Vernunft, A.; Görs, S.; Kanitz, E.; Weitzel, J. M.; Brüssow, K.-P.; Metges, C. C. (2016):
Effects of general anesthesia with ketamine in combination with the neuroleptic sedatives xylazine or azaperone on plasma metabolites and hormones in pigs. J Anim Sci 94 (8): 3229-3239
Vernunft, A.; Ivell, R.; Heng, K.; Anand-Ivell, R. (2016):
The male fetal biomarker INSL3 reveals substantial hormone exchange between fetuses in early pig gestation. Plos One 11 (3): e0152689, 1-14
Vernunft, A.; Baltzer, S.; Tuchscherer, A.; Brüssow, K.-P. (2015):
Monitoring des fetalen Wachstums mittels Ultraschalltechnik bei Schweinen. Rekasan Journal 22 (43/44): 69-72
Vernunft, A.; Schwerhoff, M.; Viergutz, T.; Diederich, M.; Kuwer, A. (2015):
Anti-Muellerian hormone levels in plasma of Holstein-Friesian heifers as a predictive parameter for ovum pick-up and embryo production outcomes. J Reprod Develop 61 (1): 74-79
Weitzel, J. M.; Vernunft, A.; Krüger, B.; Plinski, C.; Viergutz, T. (2014):
Inactivation of the LOX-1 pathway promotes the Golgi apparatus during cell differentiation of mural granulosa cells. J Cell Physiol 229 (12): 1946-1951
Vernunft, A.; Viergutz, T.; Plinski, C.; Weitzel, J. M. (2014):
Postpartum levels of 8-iso-prostaglandin F2α in plasma and milk phospholipid fractions as biomarker of oxidative stress in first-lactating dairy cows. PROSTAG OTH LIPID M 112: 34-38
Vernunft, A.; Klewitz, J. (2014):
Stand des Embryotransfers und assoziierter Techniken beim Pferd. Veterinär-Spiegel 24 (1): 30-34
Vernunft, A.; Tuchscherer, A.; Alm, H. (2014):
Transvaginale ultraschallgeleitete Follikelaspiration bei Stuten während der anovulatorischen Übergangsphase: Auswirkungen auf die Eizellqualität im Vergleich zur ovulatorischen Saison. WIEN TIERARZTL MONAT 101 (1-2): 25-32
Zeyner, A.; Romanowski, K.; Vernunft, A.; Harris, P.; Kienzle, E. (2014):
Scoring of sweat losses in exercised horses - a pilot study. J Anim Physiol An N 98 (2): 246-250
Weitzel, J. M.; Vernunft, A.; Krüger, B.; Plinski, C.; Viergutz, T. (2014):
LOX-1 regulates estrogenesis via intracellular calcium release from bovine granulosa cells. Cytom Part A 85 (1): 88-93
Brüssow, K.-P.; Vernunft, A.; Kempisty, B.; Rátky, J. (2013):
Single fixed-time laparoscopic intrauterine insemination as a tool to obtain low-diversity porcine embryos. Vet Med-Czech 58 (8): 412-416
Vernunft, A.; Alm, H.; Tuchscherer, A.; Kanitz, W.; Hinrichs, K.; Torner, H. (2013):
Chromatin and cytoplasmic characteristics of equine oocytes recovered by transvaginal ultrasound-guided follicle aspiration are influenced by the developmental stage of their folicle of origin. Theriogenology 80 (1): 1-9
Vernunft, A.; Weitzel, J. M.; Viergutz, T. (2013):
Corpus luteum development and its morphology after aspiration of a preovulatory follicle is related to size and steroid content of the follicle in dairy cows. Vet Med-Czech 58 (4): 221-229
Vernunft, A.; Alm, H.; Torner, H. (2013):
Eizellgewinnung bei Stuten, Basistechnologie zur Erzeugung von Embryonen in vitro. In: Göttinger Pferdetage '13 (Uta König v. Borstel, Matthias Gauly, Hrsg.) FN-Verlag, Warendorf (978-3-88542-782-7): 49-52