PD Dr. rer. nat. habil. Andreas Höflich

Research Institute for Farm Animal Biology (FBN)
Head of working group Endocrinology of Farm Animals
Wilhelm-Stahl-Allee 2
18196 Dummerstorf

Research interests

  • Growth and metabolism
  • Functional genome analysis
  • Biomarker research

Curriculum Vitae

  • since 2013: Director of Cell Signaling Unit, FBN
  • since 2009: Lecturer at the University of Rostock
  • 4/2009: Habilitation at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Rostock
  • 2006-2012: Group Leader, Mouse Genetics, FBN
  • 2002-2006: Lecturer at University of Rostock
  • 6/2002: Habilitation at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Munich
  • 1996-2002: Assistant professor University of Munich
  • 6/1995: Dissertation at the Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biology, Technical University of Munich
  • 1985-2002: Studies of Biology, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg,


Molecular Animal Breeding: Lectures, Seminars and practical courses within the program: Diversity and Evolution (MSc)


Schiffers, C.; Serbetci, I.; Mense, K.; Kassens, A.; Grothmann, H.; Sommer, M.; Hoeflich, C.; Hoeflich, A.; Bollwein, H.; Schmicke, M. (2024):
Association between IGF-1 and IGFBPs in Blood and Follicular Fluid in Dairy Cows Under Field Conditions
Animals 14, 2370, 1-19
Meyer, Z.; Soukup, S. T.; Lubs, A.; Ohde, D.; Walz, C.; Schoen, J.; Willenberg, H. S.; Hoeflich, A.; Brenmoehl, J. (2024):
Impact of Dietary Isoflavones in Standard Chow on Reproductive Development in Juvenile and Adult Female Mice with Different Metabolic Phenotypes
Nutrients 16: 2697, 1-27
Camacho de Gutiérrez, A. R.; Calisici, O.; Wrenzycki, C.; Gutiérrez-Añez, J. C.; Höflich, C.; Höflich, A.; Bajcsy, Á. C.; Schmicke, M. (2024):
Effect of IGFBP-4 during In Vitro Maturation on Developmental Competence of Bovine Cumulus Oocyte Complexes
Animals 14 (5): 673, 1-17
Hinterseher, J.; Günther, J.; Zlatina, K.; Isernhagen, L.; Viergutz, T.; Wirthgen, E.; Höflich, A.; Vernunft, A.; Galuska, S. P. (2023):
Milk Polysialic Acid Levels Rapidly Decrease in Line with the N-Acetylneuraminic Acid Concentrations during Early Lactation in Dairy Cows. BIOLOGY-BASEL 12 (1): 5, 1-12
Brenmoehl, J.; Brosig, E.; Trakooljul, N.; Walz, C.; Ohde, D.; Noce, A.; Walz, M.; Langhammer, M.; Petkov, S.; Röntgen, M.; Maak, S.; Galuska, C. E.; Fuchs, B.; Kuhla, B.; Ponsuksili, S.; Wimmers, K.; Hoeflich, A. (2023):
Metabolic Pathway Modeling in Muscle of Male Marathon Mice (DUhTP) and Controls (DUC) - a Possible Role of Lactate Dehydrogenase in Metabolic Flexibility. Cells-Basel 12 (15): 1925, 1-21
Galow, A.-M.; Brenmoehl, J.; Höflich, A. (2023):
Synergistic effects of hormones on structural and functional maturation of cardiomyocytes and implications for heart regeneration. Cell Mol Life Sci 80: 240, 1-33
Höflich, A.; Galow, A.-M.; Brenmoehl, J.; Hadlich, F. (2023):
Growth and development of the mammary gland in mice-control of the insulin-like growth factor system by hormones and metalloproteases, and putative interference with micro RNAs. ANIM FRONT 13 (3): 84-92
Müller-Eigner, A.; Sanz-moreno, A.; de Diego, I.; Venkateswaran Venkatasubramani, A.; Langhammer, M.; Gerlini, R.; Rathkolb, B.; Aguilar-Pimentel, A.; Klein-Rodewald, T.; Calzada-Wack, J.; Becker, L.; Palma Vera, S. E.; Gille, B.; Forne, I.; Imhof, A.; Meng, C.; Ludwig, A.; Koch, F.; Heiker, J.; Kuhla, A.; Caton, V.; Brenmoehl, J.; Reyer, H.; Schön, J.; Fuchs, H.; Gailus-Durner, V.; Höflich, A.; Hrabe de Angelis, M.; Peleg, S. (2022):
Dietary intervention improves health metrics and life expectancy of the genetically obese Titan mouse. COMMUN BIOL 5: 408, 1-17
Petkov, S.; Brenmoehl, J.; Langhammer, M.; Höflich, A.; Röntgen, M. (2022):
Myogenic Precursor Cells Show Faster Activation and Enhanced Differentiation in a Male Mouse Model Selected for Advanced Endurance Exercise Performance. Cells-Basel 11 (6): 101, 1-20
Pérez-Matute, P.; Lopéz, I. P.; Íniguez, M.; Recio-Fernández, E.; Torrens, R.; Pineiro-Hermida, S.; Alfaro-Arnedo, E.; Chau, L.; Walz, C.; Höflich, A.; Oteo, J. A.; Pichel, J. G. (2022):
IGF1R is a mediator of sex-specific metabolism in mice: Effects of age and high-fat diet. Front Endocrinol 13: 1033208, 1-16
Holtze, S.; Gorshkova, E.; Braude, S.; Cellerino, A.; Dammann, P.; Hildebrandt, T.; Höflich, A.; Hoffman, S.; Koch, P.; Terzibasi Tozzini, E.; Skulachev, M.; Skulachev, W. P.; Sahm, A. (2021):
Alternative Animal Models of Aging Research. FRONT MOL BIOSCI 8: 660959, 1-27
Brenmoehl, J.; Walz, C.; Caffier, C.; Brosig, E.; Walz, C.; Ohde, D.; Trakooljul, N.; Langhammer, M.; Ponsuksili, S.; Wimmers, K.; Zettl, U. K.; Höflich, A. (2021):
Central Suppression of the GH/IGF Axis and Abrogation of Exercise-Related mTORC1/2 Activation in the Muscle of Phenotype-Selected Male Marathon Mice (DUhTP). Cells-Basel 10 (12): 3418, 1-19
Galow, A.-M.; Kussauer, S.K; Wolfien, M.; Brunner, R. M.; Goldammer, T.; Hoeflich, A.; David, R. (2021):
Quality control in scRNA-Seq can discriminate pacemaker cells: the mtRNA bias. Cell Mol Life Sci 78: 6585-6592
Uken, K. L.; Vogel, L.; Gnott, M.; Görs, S.; Schäff, C. T.; Tuchscherer, A.; Hoeflich, A.; Weitzel, J. M.; Kanitz, E.; Tröscher, A.; Sauerwein, H.; Zitnan, R.; Bruckmaier, R. M.; Gross, J.; Liermann, W.; Hammon, H. M. (2021):
Effect of maternal supplementation with essential fatty acids and conjugated linoleic acid on metabolic and endocrine development of neonatal calves. J Dairy Sci 104 (6): 7295-7314
Walz, M.; Höflich, C.; Walz, C.; Ohde, D.; Brenmoehl, J.; Sawitzky, M.; Vernunft, A.; Zettl, U. K.; Holtze, S.; Hildebrandt, T. B.; Wolf, E.; Hoeflich, A. (2021):
Development of a Sensitive Bioassay for the Analysis of IGF-Related Activation of AKT/mTOR Signaling in Biological Matrices. Cells-Basel 10 (3): 482, 1-19
Walz, C.; Brenmoehl, J.; Trakooljul, N.; Noce, A.; Caffier, C.; Ohde, D.; Langhammer, M.; Wimmers, K.; Ponsuksili, S.; Hoeflich, A. (2021):
Control of Protein and Energy Metabolism in the Pituitary Gland in Response to Three-Week Running Training in Adult Male Mice . Cells-Basel 10 (4): 736, 1-20
Noce, A.; Qanbari, S.; Gonzalez-Prendes, R.; Brenmoehl, J.; Luigi-Sierra, M. G.; Theerkorn, M.; Fiege, M.-A.; Pilz, H.; Bota, A.; Vidu, L.; Horwath, C.; Haraszthy, L.; Penchev, P.; Ilieva, Y.; Peeva, T.; Lüpcke, W.; Krawczynski, R.; Wimmers, K.; Thiele, M.; Hoeflich, A. (2021):
Genetic Diversity of Bubalus bubalis in Germany and Global Relations of Its Genetic Background. Front Genet 11: 610353, 1-16
Vogel, L.; Gnott, M.; Kröger-Koch, C.; Görs, S.; Weitzel, J. M.; Kanitz, E.; Hoeflich, A.; Tuchscherer, A.; Tröscher, A.; Gross, J.; Bruckmaier, R. M.; Starke, S.; Bachmann, L.; Hammon, H. M. (2021):
Glucose metabolism and the somatotropic axis in dairy cows after abomasal infusion of essential fatty acids together with conjugated linoleic acid during late gestation and early lactation. J Dairy Sci 104: 3646-3664
Hoeflich, A.; Fitzner, B.; Walz, C.; Hecker, M.; Tuchscherer, A.; Brenmoehl, J.; Zettl, U. K. (2021):
Reduced Fragmentation of IGFBP-2 and IGFBP-3 as a Potential Mechanism for Decreased Ratio of IGF-II to IGFBPs in Cerebrospinal Fluid in Response to Repeated Intrathecal Administration of Triamcinolone Acetonide in Patients With Multiple Sclerosis. Front Endocrinol 11: 565557, 1-10
Braude, S.; Holtze, S.; Begall, S.; Brenmoehl, J.; Burda, H.; Dammann, P.; de Marmol, D.; Gorshkova, E.; Henning, Y.; Hoeflich, A.; Höhn, A.; Jung, T.; Hamo, D.; Sahm, A.; Shebzukhov, Y.; Šumbera, R.; Miwa, S.; Vyssokikh, M.; von Zglinicki, T.; Averina, O.; Hildebrandt, T. B. (2021):
Surprisingly long survival of premature conclusions about naked mole-rat biology. Biol Rev 96 (2): 376-393