The elected representatives introducing themselves.
The Staff Council is elected to represent the interests of employees at our institute.
Its rights and the legal basis for its existence are derived from the Personnel Representation Act of the state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (PersVG MV) and applicable federal laws.
If you have any questions, suggestions or comments, please contact us by mail.
Chair: Marianne Zenk
The Representative for Disabled Employees is elected to represent the interests of severely disabled and equivalent employees (Sections 94–97 of the Social Security Code (SGB) IX).
Its responsibilities include promoting the participation of persons with severe disabilities in working life at the institute and representing their interests (Section 95, Paragraph 1 SGB IX).
Representative for Disabled Employees: Karsten Schlettwein
The Youth and Trainee Representative is the elected representative body for all underage employees and trainees.
The general responsibilities of a Youth and Trainee Representative encompasses all matters of a social, personnel or economic nature that affect youth and trainees in the operation directly or indirectly (Section 61, Paragraph 1 BPersVG).
Chair: Antje Gürtler