Scientific Advisory Board

The Scientific Advisory Board advises the Board of Curators and the Director on all matters of scientific importance. It is independent in its advisory capacity.

The members of the Scientific Advisory Board are appointed by the Board of Curators for four-year terms.

Currently, the following scientists are members of the Scientific Advisory Board:

Prof. Dr. Jürgen Zentek

Freie Universität Berlin
Department of Veterinary Medicine, Institute of Animal Nutrition

Prof. Dr. Eberhard von Borell

Deputy Chairperson
Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg
Faculty of Natural Sciences III – Institute of Agricultural and Nutritional Sciences, Animal Husbandry and Animal Ecology

Prof. Dr. Nicolas Gengler

Université de Liège, Belgien
Gembloux Agro-Bio-Tech, Department Animal Production and Nutrition Engineering

Prof. Dr. Patrick Lonergan

University College Dublin, Ireland
School of Agriculture & Food Science

Prof. Dr. Simon Oosting

Wageningen University & Research, Netherlands
Department of Animal Sciences, Chair Animal Production Systems groep

Dr. Isabelle Ortigues-Marty

French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment (INRAE)
Department Unité Mixte de Recherches sur les Herbivores (UMRH) Theix

Prof. Dr. Matthias Schmid

University of Bonn
Institute for Medical Biometry, Informatics and Epidemiology

Prof. Dr. Johanna Vilkki

Natural Resources Institute Helsinki, Finland (Luke)
Research Professor Genomics and Breeding